the chair. She went into people’s home working as a ‘diet
cop’ helping them fight the battle of the bulge and helped
them with workout plans. She also worked at health clubs
as a low impact and step and aqua aerobics instructor,
but where the health club lacked in programs for youth,
children and the elderly, Kathy volunteered to set up programs and made them work.
Always writing drama and music, Kathy found a little
piece of heaven at the Pungo Community Theater in Virginia Beach. For 3 years she produced community theater, directing, acting and having the time of her life with
comedies presented to packed churches and theaters.
She wrote original stage plays and music and became the
theaters most beloved actress commanding the stage with
her unique gift and ability to turn a mistake or a technical malfunction into some of the funniest improvisational
footwork seen on the stage.
When life moved Kathy to Ohio, she did volunteer work
to keep her creative juices flowing, doing a story time at
the local library for kids and working with the elderly at
the local Nursing Homes spending a lot of time with the
folks who were victims of Alzheimer's Disease.