let, or earrings, whatever you
make shopping for yourself
want, the choice is all yours
next year a breeze.
and you are worth every penny.
The point I am hoping to make
with this article is that we
10. Electronics may sound like
spend so much time doing for
awfully practical for self-
others that we neglect our-
gifting but I could definitely
selves. It is perfectly fine to
splurge in my local Best Buy.
spoil yourself, even during the
Give yourself the newest lap-
holidays. You might not choose
top, a tablet, a new television,
any of the items we talked
your favorite movies, I could
about, but please do choose
go on and on. Hit Amazon and
one of your own, no matter
buy the newest Kindle and
how small, you are worth it,
some new books. I think this is
you earned it, you deserve it.
both a fun and practical gift
to give yourself, plus it will
Happy Holidays to all of you,