IMBO Magazine Nov. 2014 | Page 16

South African born Wolfgang Grulke and Gus Silber, were two of the many writers, from all corners of the globe, who collaborated and took an arguably accurate stab with their informative workbook “10 Lessons from the future”. The text describes the three pillars that can define your success today as: Information, Knowledge and Skills. And with the power of the Internet in the palms of curious hands, the number of secondary scholars seeking tertiary education in creative faculties should be expected to keep growing rapidly. According to Ian Linton’s Six Benefits of Internet Marketing, the digital revolution has made it possible for small businesses to spend little to no money on advertising, while they reach a wider market. Now, in the entrepreneurial mind of a forward-thinker, this can only mean – innovation. Starting a unique business that can grab a piece of that low-hanging market share. Advertising, photography and fashion designing are but only a few of the popular creative industries one can explore. Year in and year out, herds of young dreamers line up outside the various campuses, eager to take their first step to blowing the world away. Freshmen enroll, graduates celebrate and some, well, drop out. However, when most of them leave they find that they’re still ill-equipped for the demanding, pressurizing and ever-changing life of a professional creative. IMBO/ ISSUE 31/ '14 16 H E R D S O F YO U N G DREAMERS LINE UP O U TS I D E T H E VA R I O U S CAMPUSES, EAGER T O TA K E T H E I R F I R S T ST E P TO B LO W I N G T H E W O R L D A W AY.