was about to meet one of the most
powerful women in the world!
At breaking point she finally
walked in: Phuti Mahanyele - CEO
of Shanduka, the largest black-owned,
diversified investment company in
South Africa... And there I sat, hands
shaking as I tried to remember my
questions, hoping not to make a fool
of myself.
With an endearing smile and an
unexpected hug, Phuti greeted me
as if I were an old friend. At that very
moment, my anxiety melted away.
“I’m a boring person.” She said, shying
away with a smile before going on to
tell me about her childhood, “…what
I really loved was reading.”
Growing up, Phuti admits to running
away from doing housework – just
to hide somewhere and lose herself
in three or four books at a time.
It became something of a habit, one
that grew with her and still creeps up
now and again.
IMBO/ ISSUE 32/ '14