“ L O V E I S N O T A H A B I T, A
C O M M I T M E N T O R D E B T. L O V E
S I M P LY I S . I T I S T H E P U R E
L A N G U A G E O F T H E W O R L D .”
5. Protection
The love euphoria
It’s about treating everything that
people share with us as sacred and
making sure we protect their best
interests. A protection of energy means
not allowing negative influences into
the space of exchange:
Forcing people to be generous isn’t
humanitarian, effective, compassionate
or moral. And writing this isn’t a
form of coercion because only acts
that are truly voluntary can be honestly
compassionate. It’s simply something
for you to meditate on. Have you ever
Protection of self - Always fine tune truly done something good without
into ego-free mentalities
the desire of its benefits? Love is not
Protection of others - Don’t abuse the a habit, a commitment or debt. Love
favour others may bestow on us
simply is. It is the pure language of the
Protection of love - Intention plays a world, requiring no explanation.
big role in protection, we need to
decipher if we protect what we love Viewing it in this manner creates
from fear or divine intention.
a feeling of expansion within us. If
human communities cultivated those
6. Respect
who seek to live in social harmony,
every desire to hate would purge. This
At the final stage of this equation, respect. kind of communal voyage provides
It requires us to honour; appreciate the the catalyst for a beautifully potent
uniqueness and energy of every living alchemy of divine love - unbreakable,
thing. This all starts with self respect and unwavering and not circumstantial. The
knowing your limits as a person. This helps love algorithm is simply a reminder
us understand why we are required to that everything under the sun has been
give respect. A pivotal element to respect written by one hand; it is the mysterious
is how well we share our honest thoughts hand that evokes love. Remember you
and feelings. The release of honest are one with it, Namaste.
information is something challenging
but if love remains the foundation for it, it
can be inspiring.
IMBO/ ISSUE 32/ '14