The love hate dynamics
The following extracts are from ‘The once lost, and seeing them through new
Diaspora love story’ written by Leticia Enos. eyes. It is in fact, a love synonymous with
loving me. For falling in love with Africa,
Extract 1:“Our love story, Africa’s and mine, meant falling in love with the most honest
was certainly not one of those love at first version of myself.”
sight situations. It was a gradual coming to,
sweet and slow rediscovery that makes our There is no disputing the serious history of
love-affair precious to me.”
the diaspora and the negative effect it has on
those forced to disconnect with their African
What is your love story with Africa? It’s all identity. But is scattering the African seed
based on your perception. If you’re suffering such a big disadvantage for our people today?
from the love/hate dynamic, remember love
can only be captured through self-discovery Although not all on the same land, we have
and the unearthing of the continent’s history. the power to uplift our culture and fight
Reunite with Africa, accept her history and against systems placed to forget and remove
see her scars as those of a warrior. Love the us. Africa cannot be swallowed whole if we
glory her scattered seeds have brought us and build bridges and encourage enlightenment
you might find just how victorious she is.
of the new age diaspora. The biggest issue
facing all this would be promoting the real
Extract 2: “I appreciate it with the passion African identity and not allowing anyone
of one who is reunited with someone they else to do it for us.
IMBO/ ISSUE 32/ '14