lthough the culture of making
New Year’s resolutions has
become a bit of a cliché, the
foundation of this principle is
one we shouldn’t take lightly. For
us to become active participants in shaping
our destiny, we need to map out the intricate
journey – the planting, sowing, watering and
finally the stage we all anticipate: reaping
the harvest of our efforts.
I believe that as individual souls we are
intrinsically built with dreams and desires
which we should by no means ignore,
and it’s our inner voice which helps us
understand our vocation.
A goal without a plan is just like a car with
no wheels to drive your vision into reality.
The law of attraction lays down 3 simple
steps we should start applying in our lives:
‘Write the goal, visualise and materialise’.
IMBO/ ISSUE 32/ '14