IMAZINE july 2015 | Page 12



We know a lot of inedit things of our imagination, and creations, that go besides the world that we know, and become the world that we love.

These worlds are creations of amazing writers who always do great works and put a smile in everybody's face that read their master-pieces.

We have a lot to talk about the magical world that Disney made, inspiring stories like: Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and others. A world where everything is possible, animals talk, aliens exist, monsters are just as humans, that study and work.

The imagination gave us all the things that we wanted, the imagination breaks walls... And now we are going to share some of these worlds .(Disney’s worlds, Fairytales, Magic Worlds)


What we have to say about the forever kid, Peter Pan, who lives in Neverland, the land where nobody gets old. This land exists in the book “Peter Pan” wrote by the scottish writer J.M.Barrie. The same home land of Tinker Bell and the Lost Boys. In the story Wendy and her brothers go

to Neverland “flying to the second star to the right e then, continue until the sun comes up again”.

This world it’s in movies and TV series that shows the lives that Peter, Tinker and the Lost Boys live. A green, happy and fun land.

By:Julia Freitas