What can you do ?
sion that happens . Men , who are 99 % of the buyers of sex , start watching soft pornography as young men , and brain science teaches us that pheromones and other chemicals are released , keeping them coming back for more . Like other drugs , they need more and more to get the next better high ,” Winn says . “ Pornography becomes more frequent , more violent , more perverse , and it can eventually lead men to venture out , seeking it in person , paying for what they want . Victims are getting younger and younger , and these men ’ s natures have become more violent .” Is it any wonder that approximately 25 % of the girls at Arizona State University and approximately 20 % of the University of Arizona ’ s girls are sexually assaulted ? On college campuses all over the US , some young men act like predators , playing out the scenes they witness on screen , while the young women experience shame , embarrassment , stolen innocence , depression and post-traumatic stress .
At a young age , perhaps through video games , but mostly through the lack of developing real relationship skills , people lose what we call
Kathleen Winn with President Jimmy Carter and Rosalind Carter 2015 World Summit “ Ending Sexual Exploitation 2025 .” empathy . Everywhere we go , people are texting on phone devices . They don ’ t look at each other , and real communication and connections are
lost . We become less aware and less connected to the suffering of others . The cost of depersonalizing others not only shows up as buying human children to satisfy sexual needs , but it also leads to higher dropout rates , the break-up of families , and fatherless children . “ These men are missing out on the joy and richness of emotional connectedness ,” asserts Winn . Leading experts know that instant gratification , depersonalizing the act of sex , and thinking that real people should act like pornography actors , are destroying the fabric of society and the quality of relationships .
To counter this tide , AZMEN was established in 2014 to help men understand what it means to be a man , and to redefine masculinity . These men learn to lead by example by becoming mentors to younger men , by supporting the well-being and safety of women , and by combatting sex-trafficking as their primary missions . As executive director of AZMEN , Winn reports one way the organization does this is by teaching young men the importance of honor , trust , integrity , communication , and developing empathy , all leading to healthier , happier , more meaningful relationships .
This past year , Winn also had the privilege of helping to create the “ World Summit for Ending Sexual Exploitation 2025 ” with International Rotary , hosted by the Carter Center and former US President Jimmy Carter . President Carter said the most serious and unaddressed worldwide challenge is the deprivation and abuse of women and girls , largely caused
What can you do ?
l Donate to organizations like Shared Hope International and AZMEN l Get on Shared Hope ’ s action alert and write letters to your congressional delegation l Become a Defender on Shared Hope ’ s site or become a mentor for men through AZMEN l Become an ambassador for Shared Hope and tell others what you have learned l Educate your children to develop skills in empathy , compassion , leadership , integrity and in ways to stay safe from all forms of abuse l Educate yourself further by inviting an ambassador to speak to your community or civic organization l Take time to check out these important websites : sharedhope . org , endsextrafficking . az . gov www . azmen . org , trustaz . org , traffickingresourcecenter . org / state / arizona , streetlightusa . org