If we have no peace, it is because we
have forgotten that we belong to
each other. - mother theresa
inclusion has created a Unity Pledge
and has gotten 1,100 businesses across
Arizona, including many in Sedona,
to sign on. The pledge simply states:
“As business and community
leaders, we understand that if our
travel and tourism industry wants to
be successful—and if Arizona wants
to be competitive on a national and
international level—we must support
all of our diverse communities.”
And that’s precisely what the ordinance does.
But this is not just an LGBT ordinance—it is a human rights ordinance
for us all. And while it does provide
new protections for LGBT people, it
also provides a vital user-friendly mediation remedy for those who experience discrimination based on age, sex,
race, religion, national origin, disability, and family or veteran status, who
may currently have recourse under
federal or state law that is far less accessible to most who may need it.
That’s why coalitions like the
Mental Health Coalition of the Verde
Valley, the Northern Arizona Interfaith Council and Northern Arizona
Restorative Justice were in such
strong support of the ordinance.
As Unity of Sedona said in their
letter of support: “We embrace the
values of interconnectedness and
inclusion and the right of all people to
be treated fairly
and equitably.”
This view was
echoed by many
other supportive faith leaders including those from the Jewish
Community of Sedona, St. Andrews
Episcopal Church of Sedona, and the
Northern Arizona Interfaith Council.
As our Rabbi Magal said in speech to
the City Council, “Let’s not lag, let’s
The Sedona International City of
Peace group was grateful that after
much debate—with extensive arguments made both for and against the
ordinance—the Sedona City Council
voted unanimously to approve the
new comprehensive human rights
law. And almost equally as gratifying
for all present it was that everyone
spoke from the heart, regardless of
their perspective, and no one was vilified for their views. If only that could
occur in Washington and in governing bodies everywhere it would be
easier to remember that what unites
us is far more than what divides us.
We can respect and accept each
other for who we are. We can disagree on policy or approach without
being disagreeable or making it
personal. Whether the issue is human
rights, religious freedom or how best
to protect the beauty of our environment, dialoguing rather than diatribing is an integral part of what being
an International City of Peace is all
about. There will always be differences of opinion, and how we deal
with those differences will continue
to be a measure of our tolerance and
humanity, and our ability to learn and
grow together.
For other International Cities of
Peace, and for communities everywhere seeking to promote diversity and
inclusion, fairness and equality, we
urge you to explore your locality’s human rights framework. If our journey
sounds appealing to you, here are a few
questions you may want to consider.
1) Does your community have
a human rights ordinance that deals
with issues of race or age or gender?
If it does, does it cover everyone you
think might be discriminated against
because of who they are—LGBT people, people with disabilities, veterans,
immigrants, etc? If it doesn’t, perhaps
you need to start from scratch as we
did. It takes time but is an incredible
bridge-building opportunity.
2) What do you feel ought to be
the remedy for discriminating against
another? Many existing laws impose
penalties such as monetary fines for
those who violate the law. We chose
mediation and reconciliation because
we believe that through dialogue we
can learn from each other, walk a bit
in each other’s shoes, and find the best
way forward together. It is not always
an easy process, but the long term
good that can come from restorative
justice and releasing our own fear of
those who believe or live differently
by getting to know them as human
beings is a gift that keep on giving.
As we do, we are regularly reminded
that we are far better together.