IMAGINE Magazine SprIng 2017 • Vol. 3, no. 1 ImagineMagazine-Spring 2017 | Page 34

life-altering work of musicians like the Beatles, the power of poets like Maya Angelou, and artists like Picasso who helped us see the world differently. Imagination was the gift they possessed. We believe Sedona is a palpable source of inspira- tion and imagination. As creative people living in Sedona, we know this to be true. Now through the Collaborative we wish to share our discovery with others. We want our city to inspire all kinds of creative energy. Sedona already has a beautiful a state-of-the-art Performing Arts Center that seats up to 800 people and hosts a vari- ety of programs. We are hoping to expand and enrich the programming throughout the year to serve our community and beyond. The Sedona Arts Center and private individuals offer an array of artistic opportunities well worth explor- ing. There are also residency programs for artists that enable them to stay in Sedona and study with world renowned teachers. Clearly Sedona already is a city animated by the arts and the lively energy that comes from that support. Sedona is also an International City of Peace. It is pretty hard to go wrong when you have peace and art in your cor- ner. Peace has been my mission as an artist for the last 40 years. Who you help along the way is what counts. But most of all I have discovered that when you are doing something you love, you are at peace. When you are doing something you love, you contribute to peace on earth. The vibration you are putting out is one of love, peace and contentment. Actually when we do something we love, no body is left out. We have many bodies other than our physical body. We have an emotional body, a dream body, an ethereal body, a mental body, an astral body and even more. When we are being creative, every “body” is taken care of. At the Sedona Culture Collaborative, we want to contrib- ute to that feeling of peace by offering this special city as a catalyst for positive change. We can help create peace through the arts and possibly effect social change with our projects. To that end we encourage all artists, whether painters, potters, musicians, weavers, dancers, singers or artists of any genre to participate in making Sedona a true center for the arts. We are looking forward to more community gatherings where we can all communicate our needs and desires. It will truly take our entire community together to create this vision and you are warmly encouraged to be part this exciting endeavor. Visit Andrea Smith at For more informa- tion about the Sedona Culture Collaborative, contact Rob Adams at 928.639.3503 or 34 IMAGINE l Spring 2017 PEACE S IG N S The Arts, Artists and Activism by dawn S tattuck A round the world artist-based creativity and activ- ism have become key forces in social issue aware- ness and progress. Some of the most tragic periods in history have produced powerful expressive works of art through painting, dance, theatre, music, writing, etc. Artists utilize the power of art to disrupt the status quo and some- times help us find the common ground necessary to tran- scend social injustices. Often these works serve as a vital bridge between various groups, cultures and countries. Not only do creative works inspire us to move beyond our day-to-day existence but also remind us to challenge current thinking and be open to new ways of resolving social and political challenges. Artistic expression by design teaches us to become more aware, to look closer, to wit- ness, to be less myopic and more open and responsive to our world. Creative activism can also challenge us to go deeper; to examine more closely why we believe what we believe. Artist activists work to provoke and enlighten simul- taneously. At times they have become our collective social action voice, opening new levels of consciousness while fostering creative thinking and greater compassion for each other. These actions in turn provide an impetus, strength and support for confronting social and political issues. Through their work they can demonstrate a vision of what is possible for humanity—think communities built on inclu- Art installation with life jackets brings attention to the refugee crisis, by Chinese artist Ai Weiwei at the Gedarnenmarkt in Berlin, February 2016.