IMAGINE Magazine SprIng 2017 • Vol. 3, no. 1 ImagineMagazine-Spring 2017 | Page 24

M u s i c w i t h a m e ss a g e Opening hearts, inspiring compassion A D alia T ara I nterview with R Yan Z epp L ike all artistic mediums, mu- sic has the power to bring about change on a personal and social scale. It can be a empathetic hand reaching out to us in times of need, while also transcend- ing our individual world towards that which we share as humans. It highlights important issues and holds us accountable to the suffering around us. Music asks questions. We reflect and answer. Singer-songwriter Adalia Tara is a Sedona local who writes music with the intention of offering her voice for social and personal transformation, to hold space for empathetic refuge, and, ultimately, to bring forth more peace in our world. For this issue of Imagine, I sat down with her to discuss the peaceful power of music and the role she’s playing as an artist today. You’ve described yourself as an artist that creates music with a message. What is the message? I think a lot of the issues I deal with revolve around simply being human. We share so much by just existing together on this planet, but I think oftentimes we fall victim to focusing on our differences, to latching on to what separates us, instead of what is shared. My message is one of empathy, to stand in each other’s shoes and recognize our con- nectedness in the face of all that we perceive as separating us. My wish is that people find hope and inspiration in my music and not feel so discon- nected and alone. Was there a moment when you realized this was going to be the intention behind your music? When I became interested in music and singing around the age of thirteen, my main interest and focus quickly turned to- wards songwriting—writing my own lyrics and sharing what was in my heart. I realized the power that music had to affect change and to really move people. So, even at that young age, I re- member having a clear understanding that I wanted to use my voice to bring about benefit in the world and to be of service to others through my music. I know that if I can come from an honest and authentic place within myself, and be vulnerable enough to share some- thing that I’m experiencing, others may feel similarly and find comfort in that. It’s about finding common ground—I try to do that through my music. “In today’s world, any kind of artform that can bring people together around a positive message is incredibly important and something that we need.” 24 IMAGINE l Spring 2017