P e a c e b loom i n g
I s c om i n g u p ro s e s
B y S ylvia V illalobos
rtistically designed rose
gardens are transform-
ing ordinary commu-
nity spaces into vibrant,
beautiful places for peace. Creating
rose gardens to advance peace and
understanding amongst all the nations,
cultures and religions of the world is
the unique mission of International
World Peace Rose Gardens (IWPRG).
Since 1988, it has established World
Peace Rose Gardens on some of the
most historic, cultural and sacred
grounds in the world, from California,
Italy and Mexico to Atlanta, Georgia
and China! The popular sites have
impacted millions, including more
than 28,800 global youth who have
participated in IWPRG’s creative youth
The novel idea began as a dream
for TJ David and Sylvia Villalobos, co-
creators of the California-based non-
profit organization. They envisioned
using the rose, the official flower of
the United States, as a silent ambas-
sador of peace—free of the fetters of
race, culture, politics and religion.
The idea sprouted from a simple
act of goodwill when the duo decided
to deliver vases of roses to patients
at the University of California Davis
Medical Center in Sacramento, Califor-
nia. The positive effect on the patients
was immediate and uplifting; the ex-
perience profoundly stirred their souls
to do more with roses. Their target was
big—the world! Why not? They truly
believed that big ideas were possible
through persistent and creative effort,
IMAGINE l Spring 2017 21