The post-liner excavation , steel and equipping of the Jansen Shaft 1 project in Saskatchewan , Canada
final depth of the shaft will be around 2,630-m-depth , helping facilitate a 1.74 Mt / y operation .
Outside of this project , the company has a little more than a year left on the Jansen post-liner excavation , steel and equipping project in Saskatchewan , Canada , part of BHP ’ s wider plans to establish a major potash producing hub .
And Cementation Canada recently tendered a new shaft sinking project in northern Saskatchewan that could see it mobilise to site in 2025 after the engineering phase is completed .
These projects are all part of the company ’ s wider partnership approach to shaft sinking ; a model that is practically useful in today ’ s resource-scarce environment .
“ We are all aware of the labour resource issues within the mining industry , and the mine contracting and shaft sinking segment of the mining industry feels this as keenly as others ,” Kohtakangas said . “ There are no excess resources available to have duplication or low utilisation of skills ; this is one reason we prefer partnering with owners in an integrated manner to maximise the effectiveness of all resources deployed .
“ This provides for sustainable and diverse workforces and allows for new insights and ideas to flourish . Shaft sinking no longer has to be a high risk , high physicality method if the right approach is adopted and the culture is there throughout all levels of the contractor and client .”
DMC sinking for development data
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