Mining Systems , a subsidiary of HCM , is responsible for providing the Fleet Management System ( FMS ) and Hitachi Construction Machinery is responsible for providing the AHS . Wenco ' s FMS is essential for Hitachi Construction Machinery ’ s AHS operation , so Hitachi Construction Machinery and Wenco are constantly working together .
Wenco moves ahead on open autonomy
The mining industry has reached a significant milestone with the publication of ISO 23725:2024 , a standard championed by Wenco . This promotes open autonomy by ensuring interoperability between autonomous systems and fleet management systems , facilitating seamless integration and communication . Wenco told IM : “ The published international standard defines the interfaces required between the fleet management ( FMS ) and autonomous haulage ( AHS ) systems for dispatch of haul trucks and coordination of production information , including communication protocols , message structures , telemetry signals , map sharing and task assignments . By providing a common framework , this standard enables diverse systems to work together harmoniously , fostering innovation and technological advancement . The publication of ISO 23725 marks a pivotal moment in advancing open autonomy in surface mining , highlighting the vital role of standardised protocols in driving industry-wide progress .”
At the MINEXCHANGE SME conference in February 2024 in Phoenix , Wenco International Mining Systems ’ President and CEO , Andrew Pyne , presented on open autonomy . He began by suggesting that it may not be business as usual for AHS in the medium to long term .
“ What we ’ ve seen in mining , is that the adoption of autonomy in more complex environments – that aren ’ t the Pilbara in Western Australia – is starting to stagnate . We are starting to see fleets being decommissioned and we are seeing some real adoption challenges . We are
The mining industry has reached a significant milestone with the publication of ISO 23725:2024 , a standard championed by Wenco . This promotes open autonomy by ensuring interoperability
also seeing some really interesting evolutions in the early adopters of autonomy – companies like Fortescue changing direction on how they are going to deploy autonomy . Rio Tinto approached Wenco more than five years ago and today we are engaged with them on their right-sized autonomous truck project . As we see the emergence of new technology in the area of automation – along with the requirements for
1 . Opencast mining systems 2 . Stockyard technology 3 . Mineral processing 4 . Loading and unloading systems 5 . Port technology 6 . Conveying systems 7 . Digital solutions 8 . Customer support