IM September 2024 September 2024 | Page 118

TireSight integrates the thermal imaging camera and AI software of Pitcrew AI with Kal Tire ’ s TOMS

Sight beyond sight

Kal Tire ’ s approach to tyre management and in particular tyre monitoring has been evolving fast , culminating in its new TireSight consolidated offering , including thermal imaging . Paul Moore caught up with Christian Erdelyi , Manager , Mining Technology Solutions at Kal Tire ' s Mining Tire Group

Kal Tire has been rolling out its TireSight offering into the mining market recently , which primarily integrates the thermal imaging camera and AI software of Pitcrew AI with Kal Tire ’ s own TOMS ( Tire & Operations Management System ), to quickly identify and react to mining tyre-related issues that could go unnoticed , such as hot tyres , tread damage and belt separation . But what does it mean in practice and how has it evolved into today ’ s platform and what does it mean for customers ? IM spoke to Christian Erdelyi , Manager , Mining Technology Solutions at Kal Tire ' s Mining Tire Group to find out .

Erdelyi said that going back almost 10 years ago , Kal Tire started on its TOMS journey by looking for a replacement for existing systems . “ At times we had been using as many as 8 or 9 types of tyre management system versions around the globe , and none of them could talk to each other . We needed something that we could use to compare A to B on a worldwide scale . So we developed TOMS – our Tire & Operations Management System , as an industry-leading productivity tool using cloud-based enterprise asset management ( EAM ) software . With TOMS we drive the benchmarking and the planning into a centralised platform that makes it possible for us to see trends and identify more ways to improve uptime and safety for mining equipment .”
Kal Tire also wanted a system that made it easier for our engineers and operatives in the field to record all the necessary information .
Erdelyi : “ So we wanted something more automated in the field that could record a lot of data and ease the workload for our people as well as enhancing safety . Sensor-based data integration could then be incorporated into TOMS – which additionally would help drive more value to our customers . We began by integrating TPMS data working with the major TPMS providers . Then before COVID Kal Tire came across Pitcrew AI in Australia which had figured out a way to do truck inspections using thermal imaging without the truck needing to stop , locating hot spots and tyre damage on the rear
Christian Erdelyi , Manager , Mining Technology Solutions at Kal Tire ’ s Mining Tire Group axle of trucks . “ This was really what we had in mind as a great add-on for TOMS and so we started to talk to them and exchange information . They already had a solar powered and battery driven version which was working well in Australia ; and sent us some components for us to assemble our own prototype . Of course in Canadian winters , their Australia system wasn ’ t built to work in temperatures down to -45 ° C in some places as well as minimal hours of sunlight . We developed our own cold weather version to house all of the technology .”
This took a lot of work – Kal Tire had to work out how to clean mud and snow from the cameras and how to heat the batteries – plus how to communicate when the comms mast was covered in snow . “ But we got a system out into a minesite and began inspecting mining truck tyres . We could see the outcomes and quickly realised all the possibilities that it could open up to us .”
And Kal Tire moved ahead with making other improvements related to mining needs . “ Pretty quickly we also went back to Pitcrew AI and said we knew the system was initially developed for rear tyres only but pointed out that we also see a lot of front tyre damage in Canada and other regions and would also like to help our customers mitigate and control those . They worked with us together on a front camera system and now every camera in the field is a two camera system where we monitor both the front and the back of the mining truck .”
Back to the basics – Kal Tire sits down with all of its customers to try to understand the particular challenges they are trying to solve at their minesites . “ Examples could be a desire to find more damage in tyres early enough so they can be sent for repair . If you treat tyre damage early – normally the repair turnaround time is a lot quicker – plus it works out cheaper as the damage is not as extensive so the repairs themselves are not excessive . Another desire might be to reduce the exposure hours of both our technicians and theirs to heavy equipment which will always involve inherent dangers and risks . Another aspect is improving the quality of repairs by identifying those tyres that have a high chance to be repaired .”
As an example , one of the most dangerous conditions on a tyre is a sealed or non-vented separation . The tread is still closed so from the outside it looks normal and only the thermal imaging will allow you to see that there is a source of heat in that tyre based on the cavity and related movement friction . This can lead to tyre fires that can quickly spread to the truck . It is also very hard to repair due to chemical changes in the rubber . Erdelyi : “ If these are not seen and the tyre
112 International Mining | SEPTEMBER 2024