IM OCTOBER 23 October 23 | Page 8

Veracio adds core assets with Minalyze
Elsewhere , looking at its wider truck fleet in generate critical data on haulage variables such the Americas , Freeport , traditionally a user of as fuel efficiency and timing , we are leveraging mechanical drive trucks , is evaluating dieselelectric , ultra-class haul trucks to potentially the data and learnings with Komatsu and
the learnings for ourselves , and we are sharing
integrate into its decarbonisation roadmap for its Caterpillar to help inform future models and drive open-pit mines . It states : “ These high-payloadcapacity , diesel-electric haul trucks can add value It adds : “ The diesel-electric trucks can also
continued innovation .”
through reduced fleet sizes which can support provide us with a more flexible platform for the improved operating efficiencies and reduced unit future as we evaluate and consider enabling costs .” technologies , such as trolley assist systems .
As part of its evaluation process , FCX has When diesel-electric trucks are coupled with commissioned seven 400-ton class diesel-electric these technologies , we estimate fuel trucks – four from Caterpillar ( 798 AC ) and three consumption could be reduced by 20 % to 30 % from Komatsu ( 980E ) – for use at its Cerro Verde compared to mechanical-drive trucks .” operations in Peru . “ As the trucks operate and In 2022 , Freeport joined Caterpillar ’ s Early

Capital to drill for Nevada Gold Mines

Capital has announced the award of a include equipment with advancements in material drilling contract in Nevada with automation for improved safety and efficiency , Nevada Gold Mines and associated rig Capital said . purchases , together with an update on the ramp The contract is expected to generate up of operations at its Ivindo iron ore contract in annualised run rate revenues of circa- $ 35 million Gabon . once all the rigs are fully operational from 2025 , The three-year drilling services contract with at margins commensurate with the broader Nevada Gold Mines ( NGM ) in the US spans a group , Capital said . The company will purchase wide range of drilling services including new rigs with associated equipment for the diamond , both surface and underground , and contract with capital expenditure expected to be underground reverse circulation . Drilling spans a circa- $ 20 million , predominantly falling in 2024 . number of operations across NGM including

In Gabon , the company reported that ramp up underground diamond drilling in the Leeville of operations at its load & haul , crushing and underground mine within the Carlin complex , drilling contract with Ivindo Iron SA , majorityowned by Fortescue , was proceeding well . underground RC drilling in Carlin and diamond drilling at the Robertson project within the Cortez “ We have now commenced drilling operations complex . to assist in further defining this world-class
NGM is a joint venture between Barrick ( 61.5 % deposit ,” Capital said . “ The majority of the ownership ) and Newmont ( 38.5 % ownership ), mining equipment is now in country with with Barrick as operator . NGM operates three Tier operations also already underway , and crushing One gold assets : Carlin , Cortez and Turquoise is due to commence later in the year .” Ridge , consisting of 10 underground mines , 12 Peter Stokes , Chief Executive Officer of Capital , open-pit mines and associated facilities . said : “ This new drilling contract award The contract will consist of nine rigs and will represents a landmark moment for Capital as we

Veracio adds core assets with Minalyze

Veracio has acquired pioneer in scanning and data innovators , Minalyze , for a total consideration equal to $ 29.3 million .

With the combination of Veracio ’ s AI and advanced analytics solutions and Minalyze ’ s geological data visualisation technology , this strategic acquisition will transform the way the industry captures , analyses and interprets geological information , ushering in an era of informed decision-making in an increasingly complex and data-driven world , according to and digital technologies in a single , integrated Veracio . platform and help mining companies get more
Boart Longyear Group spunoff its Geological value from their orebody data , faster , while Data Services division into a separate entity mitigating the environmental impact of their called Veracio earlier this year , saying the decisions ”. company is “ ideally suited to combine science Minalyze , meanwhile , has a history of
Learner program and Komatsu ’ s GHG Alliance , which are focused on the development and advancement of zero-emissions mining trucks and other potential decarbonisation solutions . Each program outlines a potential equipment decarbonisation roadmap for haul trucks , which currently accounts for a significant portion of FCX ’ s Scope 1 emissions . “ The programs are designed to support companies as electrified equipment and supporting electrical infrastructure and technologies are deployed at our sites , while simultaneously accelerating the development of viable solutions with a focus on safety , cost , production and decarbonisation .” www . fcx . com ; www . cat . com
extend our geographic reach in drilling into North America , adding to our existing and growing operations in Canada with MSALABS .
“ We are pleased to further expand our services with Barrick , having begun our relationship across operations in Africa before extending more globally , first at the Reko Diq mine in Pakistan , earlier this year , and now to the Nevada Gold mines complex in the United States .
“ It is also great to see a continuation of our decisive and strategic move to reposition and improve our contract portfolio , set out in the second half of 2022 , focusing on large-scale mine sites and Tier-1 projects with significant growth potential .” www . capdrill . com ; www . barrick . com ; https :// fortescue . com
developing scanning instruments for core samples and software for the visualisation of geological data . The company ’ s patented scanner and cloud-based software for digitising large volumes of drilling samples generate highresolution and consistent data through fast , nondestructive collection of multiple datasets . This has seen it achieve commercial success with clients in Europe , Australia , Africa and North America .
“ This acquisition represents an exciting new chapter for both Veracio and Minalyze ,” Veracio Chief Executive Officer , JT Clark , said . “ We see this as a ‘ better together ’ opportunity , leveraging our collective expertise to push boundaries and create a product portfolio that goes beyond anything previously available for the mining and exploration industry .” www . veracio . com
6 International Mining | OCTOBER 2023