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Jameson Cell seeing huge boost in demand
Glencore Technology ’ s Jameson Cell it says has continued to evolve so that operations can better adapt to lower grade ores , larger volumes of throughput with less energy and smaller footprints . First , Jameson Cell has introduced a new 10500 model with 16 downcomers . It processes a much larger volume of feed and can be offered with the new ERMless design . This innovation in Jameson Cell ’ s round ‘ B-cell ’ range dramatically reduces the asset cost and footprint required to treat a given volume of ore .
In fact , a single cell can process a feed volume of almost 5,000 m 3 / h , and a dry feed solids mass of over 2,000 t / h . " Two of these Jameson Cells in rougher-scavenger duty would replace on average six 630 m 3 tank cells , which are the currently biggest mechanical cells on the market . And the footprint of the Jameson Cells would be less than a third of the tank cells . Second , Jameson Cell is being utilised as a major breakthrough in debottlenecking . It ’ s being deployed in rougher scalper duties ahead of a circuit ."
Around 21 cells sold in the last three years have had a duty in the rougher circuit . And the largest Jameson Cell to date was placed into the Newcrest Cadia operation . A B8500 with 12 downcomers , it was successfully commissioned in the second half of 2022 .
Glencore Technology says many other clients are also exploring this duty . Jameson Cells in rougher scalper duties are achieving a final concentrate grade direct from the rougher feed . For example , in copper , multiple demonstrations show 70-90 % recovery at final concentrate grade . And similarly powerful results are being seen in lead / zinc , gold and other base metals .
Third , Jameson Cell produces the ideal bubble size for flotation . “ As you reduce bubble size , fine particle recoveries improve . But as you approach and pass the 300 micron point , a viscosity issue emerges . Extremely tenacious concentrates are generated past that bubble size . Tenacious froths create problems for downstream processes such as pumping and dewatering . Furthermore , the dense concentrates generated can result in froth washing being ineffective and subsequently lower product grades are achieved . These issues cancel any gains that might have been made in recoveries .”
So , the Jameson Cell pursues a target operating condition of about 500 microns . That ’ s been shown to be the ideal bubble size to balance metallurgical results with operational continuity for most applications . Jameson Cells can also be adjusted to achieve finer bubbles for specific duties , if required .
The Jameson Cell ’ s continued evolution in the last two years the company says has created the largest boom in Jameson Cells since the coal boom of the 1990s . In the first half of 2023 , alone , 18 units were sold . The Americas , in particular , are discovering the Jameson Cell as a major source of flowsheet improvements and embracing the technology in all duties including full circuits . less preference for graphite , despite being a critical raw material , due to lower economic incentives . Flotation is a suitable and costefficient process for graphite recovery before downstream processing , however its effective separation from the black mass is hindered by the ( ultra ) fine particles . To address this challenge , a pneumatic Maelgwyn Mineral Services Imhoflot™ cell has tested in this application . The cell utilises high-shear turbulence to generate fine bubbles , facilitating dispersion / de-agglomeration of particles and removal of adhered slimes , enhancing reagent selectivity , and reducing dosing requirements . Maelgwyn says the Imhoflot cell offers advantages over mechanical and column flotation , including increased recovery of fine particles , rapid flotation kinetics , and high attachment rates and reducing the fine entrained metal oxides particles into the concentrate . The company states : “ This research presents a promising approach for efficient graphite recovery from spent Li-ion batteries , securing the sustainable recycling of critical raw materials .”
Jord ’ s NovaCell gets closer to multiple pilots at customer sites
In collaboration with world renowned expert Laureate Professor Graeme Jameson , Jord International believes its NovaCell™ represents the next generation of coarse particle flotation technology . Early results indicate NovaCell™ could unlock a 40 % reduction in comminution energy and a 12 % reduction in overall site operating cost .
Jord ’ s patented NovaCell™ flotation technology recovers a wide particle size range , from the lower limit of flotation to the upper limit of coarse particle flotation . This ensures maximum product yield . Jameson explains that “ the finest particles are contacted with bubbles in the high-shear aerator , while the coarse particles are captured in the gentle environment within the fluidised bed .”
NovaCell™ combines a high shear and a low shear zone in the one flotation cell . This allows Novacell™ to produce high grade froth products from the overflow of the cell and a secondary coarse product from within the fluidised bed . By incorporating the NovaCell™ into a flow sheet , dry stacking of tailings can now come into consideration , further turning the dial towards eliminating traditional tailings dams .
Following an order , Jord is in the process of fabricating a pilot scale NovaCell unit for testing at multiple customer sites . This will be ready in early 2024 , and it is expected that the pilot plant will confirm the positive laboratory results and provide confidence for some its clients to progress to plant-scale implementation .
Jord is also undertaking an engineering study for the plant-scale implementation of the NovaCell technology . Given the potential revenue increase , this project is expected to progress to implementation without further testing ( ie piloting ). In December 2022 , Jord was announced as one of the winners of the NSW Critical Minerals and High-Tech Activation Fund ( Stream 2 ). This funding will enable this plant-scale installation which will be at an existing copper operation in regional NSW , Australia and is expected to be completed in 2025 .
Finally in 2022 , Jord ( backed by funding from
ACARP ) broke ground on a full-scale XtractOre™ 500 m 3 per hour demonstration plant at a site in NSW . Based largely on work led by the University of Newcastle ’ s ARC Centre for Excellence for Enabling Eco-Efficient Beneficiation of Minerals ’ Director , L / Prof Kevin Galvin , XtractOre™ is a novel agglomeration technology that could ultimately “ deliver a 10 to 100 fold increase in the speed of fine particle separation ” compared to traditional flotation technology . The demonstration plant is expected to become operational this year .
Flotation chemicals – dealing with NaSH
In Cu-Mo separation , Cu sulphides and pyrite are depressed using inorganic reagents such as NaSH and Nokes while floating molybdenite selectively . However , these inorganic depressants have serious safety and health hazards due to potential formation of toxic H2S gas during use . Solvay previously introduced AERO ® 7260 HFP depressant several years ago as a safer alternative to NaSH . This technology is in commercial use globally , but it is only able to replace up to 60 % of the NaSH . Solvay ’ s latest innovation is AERO ® NR-7361 depressant , which replaces 70-100 % of the NaSH . This technology is chemically stable and safer to apply under a wide pH range , with air or nitrogen , without concern for product degradation or H2S formation .
The development process involved microflotation and batch flotation screening of various ligands for Cu sulphide depression using chalcopyrite and chalcocite as model systems . Molybdenite was used to screen ligands for
38 International Mining | OCTOBER 2023