IM OCTOBER 23 October 23 | Page 23


A new technology playbook

The onset of mine electrification is seeing unprecedented collaboration in an industry renowned for its conservatism and competitiveness , The Electric Mine 2023 proved
“ The normal process where we as an OEM develops a product based on the ‘ voice of the customer ’, validates it in secrecy , and then introduces it to the market is all out the window .”
Dan Funcannon , Komatsu ’ s VP North America Engineering and Development , summed up the dynamic at play in the mining sector less than an hour into The Electric Mine 2023 , in Tucson , Arizona , in May – the world ’ s only global event focused solely on mine electrification .
Another 67 presentations covered by 84 presenters followed Funcannon ’ s speech , with all of them striking a similarly transformative tone : the mining sector is at one of the most significant crossroads in its history and miners cannot cross the Rubicon together by following strategies of the past .
All sides of the market have ditched the normal procedures that previously governed the introduction of new technologies .
There is no space for the ‘ first to be second ’ mentality from mining companies , all of whom are realising that 2030 is just around the corner and they must be decisive to achieve their rapidly approaching decarbonisation deadlines .
The same is true for the OEMs , with Denise Johnson , Caterpillar ’ s Group President of Resource Industries , saying that agile engineering will have to play a bigger part to allow for all the learning and iterating required to advance the industry to a net-zero status .
The service suppliers in between this are having to deliver on projects at previously unimaginable speed , scaling up and advancing batteries , chargers and other vital tools and components .
As John Mulcahy , Principal Advisor , Rio Tinto , said : “ Electrification of haulage isn ’ t just about the development of battery-electric trucks ; it also requires a significant amount of infrastructure and systems that need to be integrated into mine design , planning , scheduling and operations .”
That is true for all electric options , not just battery trucks .
Unsurprisingly , the word collaboration was on the lips of everyone present in Tucson and was on show in several presentations featuring mining company peers , mining and equipment manufacturing partners , members of taskforces or research organisations .
More than 730 people attended the three-day event in Tucson , Arizona
Rio Tinto ’ s John Mulcahy ( speaking ) and BHP ’ s Iain Curran ( behind ) presented together at The Electric Mine 2023 , looking at facilitating greater interoperability and standardisation in charging systems for mine haulage
Komatsu ’ s Funcannon was followed up on stage by Iain Curran , Practice Lead Global – Fleet Decarbonisation at BHP , and Rio ’ s Mulcahy – the pair showing that the world ’ s two biggest mining companies are putting their heads together when
OCTOBER 2023 | International Mining 21