The latest phase of the Robbins MDM5000 trial at Fresnillo is exhibiting plus-100-m / mth development rates ( credit : Servicios y Equipos TOPO SA )
proving to be beneficial for all of us . This practice will avoid big delays as previously had occurred when entering into these new potential mining areas .”
When the company approaches the same fault
that previously stopped the MDM5000 at Fresnillo , this probe drilling may allow the operators to stop the boring and grout off the area before recommencing boring .
The original trial at Fresnillo was scheduled to be 5,000 m of straight development and Home said Fresnillo is still committed to this trial based on the plus-100-m / mth rates currently being achieved with the MDM5000 . Robbins says it is
optimistic about improving on these rates , with the MDM5000 becoming a machine that Fresnillo will have in use for years of operation .
Yet Robbins is also in the middle of another engineering project that could significantly improve on these rates .
“ This new technology is more suited to mine development drifts yet leverages a lot of our work in the tunnelling industry with standard TBMs ,” Home explained .
This new solution will be able to create a horseshoe-shape profile by integrating both the full-face cutting offered by a TBM and additional drum cutters behind the cutter head . It will offer an advance rate closer to traditional TBMs , which Brad Grothen , VP of Engineering for Robbins , says is around four times faster than the average drill and blast operation in the same ground conditions .
Other differentiators include the ability to manoeuvre around tight turns , retract quickly , and mobilise and demobilise in an accelerated fashion when compared with traditional TBMs . The machine will also ensure all personnel are able to always operate under supported ground .
This development aligns well with the mining sector ’ s increased automation push , according to Home and Grothen .
“ I think all the mining companies to varying degrees are pushing for more automation and removing people from the face , whether that be