IM November/December 2023 NovemberDecember23 | Page 34

DRA Global also acknowledges this diversity of requirements , with Thys de Bruin , Vice President : Projects , and George Annandale , Senior Vice President : Origination , saying the company does a lot of work in places like Ghana , where it looks to upskill the local community or local country resources .
“ Many of our clients are heavily dependent on close community relationships within their operating regions ,” they told IM . “ For many of our clients , procurement is localised to the region in which they operate , which has always been the case , as too has the upskilling of local workforces .
“ Contractors / consultants are expected to provide the necessary skills and support as much as possible .”
Simulating the benefits
Other tools allowing mining companies to communicate their project plans include simulation and modelling – technology areas EPCM firms are embracing as they look to assist clients with their net-zero mining ambitions .
“ The adoption of BIM ( Building Information Modelling ) together with expanded content PIM ( Plant Information Modelling ) and digital twinning can be a valuable part of this transition , but it also requires an approach that involves considering both the production technology and sustainable practices ,” Tikka said .
PIM and digital twins can be analysed to make informed decisions to improve processes and their efficiency , which then have a positive impact on sustainability and net-zero ambitions , according to Tikka .
Calibre ’ s Chapman sees an opportunity in leveraging technology to support and unlock mining decarbonisation opportunities , with clients increasingly seeking out optimal ways to develop data-rich models that not only help through the project stage but lead to a fully integrated and demand response approach used for effective asset management .
“ Through the use of digital twins , clients can test these designs in virtual scenarios that allow them to make critical decisions around plant performance versus energy use ,” he said . “ We are seeing clients challenge their traditional around-the-clock plant running and , rather , they are seeking options to optimise plant production during hours where renewable energy is at its peak .”
Mohammad Molavi , Vice President , Head of Global Business Development & Strategy – Mining & Metals at Fluor , says the ability to ‘ future proof ’ projects with such modelling is dependent on being able to design facilities that , while optimally designed initially , are flexible enough to be readily adaptable to changing grades , markets , conditions , regulatory environments and the introduction of new technologies .
“ Sophisticated modelling tools are invaluable in helping to conceptualise what such changes might mean during the facility ’ s initial design so that appropriate flexibility can be incorporated in the initial design ,” he told IM . “ Modular construction techniques , remote operation centres ( ROCs ) and automation are all methodologies that can support future flexibility and ‘ future proofing ’.”
ROCs and automation help in adjusting the control of the facility in line with various unanticipated circumstances , while modular construction techniques simplify potential future physical modifications to the facility , if necessary , he added . de Bruin and Annandale say the use of artificial intelligence ( AI ) and automation continue to gain widespread popularity , with many of these elements in the development stage and looking to address resourcing issues .
“ One of the things that we ’ re looking at is to use automation in elements of our procurement processes to alleviate pressure on our engineers , due to skills shortages within the disciplines , as well as other engineering enhancing tools ,” they said . “ Our focus is to take away mundane tasks from highly skilled resources to ensure that we apply our resources the important elements of our work .”
Rusk says advances in technology and simulation can result in higher precision outcomes , but this can only be achieved if the technology is set up to measure or simulate the right elements .
“ For example , anyone could use AI , but if you don ’ t adjust it to what you need , it might not be helpful for you ,” he said . “ So , as we grow and adapt technology , we also need to confirm that the technology is being applied in a way that makes sense . We need to go through a robust validation process to make sure it is adding value .”
Impacts on the ground
Many of the ESG trends being spoken of at a high level in the mining industry are being actioned on the ground with the help of EPCM companies .
According to Rusk , ESG trends have become primary drivers on major projects , even surpassing technical issues and challenges .
“ The whole mining industry has to adapt to the current ESG realities ,” he said . “ Similar to how the mining industry has been designing for safety in the last 25-plus years , we ’ re starting to see more social and environmental considerations in the design phase as well .”
Many of these considerations are covered by “ value engineering ”, a process that , at one time , was viewed as an accessory or add-on to the standard design process for many projects , Rusk explained .
“ Now , especially in terms of sustainability and safety , it ’ s become the new baseline ,” he said . “ From the start of projects , we ’ re considering how to reduce emissions , build efficient power systems , use less water and plan for new technologies .”
Many aspects that come under the ESG and sustainability umbrella have been an important consideration in Fluor ’ s approach to minimise “ externalities ”, according to Molavi , who referenced highly efficient energy and water management in arid climates and remote / off-thegrid locations as examples .
“ Fluor has a well-defined process in place to look at the entire mine to port process across a broad spectrum of opportunities ,” he said . “ This ranges from availability of water resources , energy and transportation infrastructure , selective processing , and waste repurposing , to a comparison of the carbon footprint derived from flowsheet options and process configuration .”
Fluor ’ s cross-disciplinary team of subject matter experts , for instance , have developed the ‘ Fluor Grind Concept ’ which led to energy savings of 12 % and a significant amount of CO2 emission reductions in a recent case study .
On the downstream side , its metals arm is executing several green steel projects building on electric arc furnace and direct reduced iron technology . It is also engaged in green steel projects advancing hydrogen-based technologies in steelmaking . “ Likewise , we are currently building one of the largest low carbon aluminium facilities in the US and have been working with a promising technology start-up in the aluminium space ,” Molavi added .
In terms of decarbonisation , EPCM firms ’ mineto-port focus also includes non-processing infrastructure , according to Chapman .
“ We are advising clients on electrification of their rail and heavy haul trucks ,” he explained . “ Electrification of mining transport is really bringing the transport , energy and mining sectors together in new ways , and we ’ re really seeing that in our project work .”
This is also true for AFRY , with Tikka saying most of the mining sector ’ s carbon dioxide emissions are produced within the Scope 3 boundary , where downstream operators reduce ore into metal .
“ AFRY ’ s home base in the Nordic countries is characterised by several publicly announced green steel projects ,” he said . “ These projects are based on EU carbon dioxide emission taxing that will be implemented in full in 2034 , when free carbon emission certificates are eliminated .”
When realised , these green steel projects will dramatically reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from the Nordic steel industry , with hydrogen – not metallurgical coal – due to be used for reduction of iron ore .
32 International Mining | NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2023