IM November/December 2023 NovemberDecember23 | Page 26

General Manager of Robit SAC , said : “ The iron deposit at Shougang Hierro Perú consists of very hard and abrasive materials . You can find competent soils with compressive strengths of 250 to 300 MPa . We contacted Cosapi Mineria and carried out the first test in early 2020 with 7 in ( 178 mm ) bits and a D65 hammer . Since then , we have been working ever more closely with Cosapi , providing them with material innovations to increase performance .”
He added : “ In recent months we have been working together with Cosapi in a testing process of the main DTH providers in the market . Thanks to the constant monitoring by our Assistance Engineer , Kevin Salas , and the development of the right products through our DTH Sales Manager , Martín Rodríguez , we have been able to generate new ways of improving the operation and proposing drilling targets with higher standards .” The open pit operation requires a lot of double bench pre-splitting , performed with D45 HD hammers and 5-in bits , ballistic buttons and a convex face . The bits have obtained an average duration of 1,400 m , and an average speed of 32 m / h .
Recently , Cosapi signed an extension contract for its operations in two of the open pits at Shougang Hierro Perú . Impressed by the tests conducted with Robit , it granted a consignment agreement , trusting Robit with 60 % of the consumption of drilling tools over the competition , Robit says .
Cisneros said : “ This is the first contract of consumption for DTH tools in Latin America where we will provide assistance and stock for
This year Sandvik completed its rotary bit line-up with the RR340
the client ’ s operation , including technical service , maintenance of hammers and management of drill bits . We hope to show Cosapi Mineria and the market that Robit SAC has the necessary resources to keep exceeding the expectations of our strategic partners .”
Sandvik completes rotary drill bit offering with RR340
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions has this year introduced the new Sandvik RR340 single seal roller bearing rotary drill bit in an effort to , it says , boost service life and lower drilling costs .
Sandvik ’ s rotary bit offering has consisted of the standard air bearing bit Sandvik RR240 and the ultra-premium Charger™ RR440 and RR450 bits . The Sandvik RR340 , a premium single seal roller bearing bit , now completes the company ’ s rotary offering . Its single seal roller bearing
technology and optional PowerCarbide ® inserts ensure reliable and efficient drilling with 45 % longer service life compared with standard products , the company says . More bearing hours mean fewer bit changes and an added sustainability benefit , with reduced risk exposure and environmental impact from production and shipping , it added .
“[ The ] Sandvik RR340 rounds out our offering within rotary bits , ensuring that customers in all segments and applications can find the ideal choice for their operation ,” Sandra Arman , Product Manager Rotary Bits at Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions ’ Rock Tools Division , said . “ Field tests have demonstrated significant cost savings potential . Compared to equivalent standard air bearing bits , a typical surface mine drilling 1.5 million metres per year could expect to save more than $ 800,000 annually with Sandvik RR340 . This is truly the single seal effect .”
Some of the technology that provides the Sandvik RR340 single seal bit with its longevity includes an abrasion-resistant radial seal . Its shape delivers extended bearing hours and greater reliability compared with conventional seals , according to the company . In addition , the Sandvik RR340 features a low friction bearing , which minimises friction and heat generation , which can otherwise cause wear and reduce
New Di-Corp CoreMatrix™ bits and Reaming Shells
Looking at diamond coring bits for mineral exploration , new CoreMatrix™ bits from Canadian rock tools manufacturer Di-Corp have been reengineered it says for enhanced bit life and faster penetration rates “ across every ground condition to get you downhole faster and stay there longer .”
With 21 matrices to choose from and a comprehensive matrix selection chart to guide user , Di-Corp says it is easier than ever to find the perfect CoreMatrix bit for specific drilling conditions . “ Bit numbers are clearly identified to cover different rock formations within the Mohs hardness scale , with three waterway configurations and several specialty options for abrasive conditions , extended life , and free-cutting matrices .”
The bits are designed and built in Canada by technical experts with decades of experience . Di Corp ’ s Drillers Edge team , led by many years of metallurgical expertise , engineered each matrix to optimise performance and meet the demands of today ’ s driller .
In addition to the new bit line-up Di-Corp recently released a new series of high-quality Reaming Shells that better maintain hole direction , hole gauge , and prevent premature wear of drilling tools due to vibration . The reaming shells come in diamond-impregnated and surface-set configurations available in all common DCDMA sizes . Di-Corp Edge Reaming Shells are available in industry standard lengths of 6 ” and 10 ” ( 18 ” available special order ) as well as oversized OD and full-hole profiles . All reaming shells are reinforced with thermally stable polycrystalline and high-quality diamonds for extended life in different
drilling conditions . Three configurations are offered . First is Edge RS CONFIGURATION with high-quality synthetic diamonds and thermally stable polycrystalline for additional ring protection . Edge RX CONFIGURATION uses high-quality natural diamonds and thermally stable polycrystalline for additional ring protection . Finally Edge RX reaming shells Di-Corp says perfectly balance performance and value .
Third is Edge RSX CONFIGURATION , Di-Corp ’ s most advanced design combines all the features of the RS and RX reaming shells . The RSX features high-quality natural and synthetic diamonds plus thermally stable polycrystalline for additional ring protection . Edge RSX reaming shells are designed to deliver exceptional results in a wide range of rock formations and provide unmatched lifespan in different drilling conditions .
24 International Mining | NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2023