IM November/December 2023 NovemberDecember23 | Page 21

XRT scan results of particles
“ I ’ m not saying everyone should implement pre-concentration ; far from it , as I expect a minority of the tests will show strong amenability . What I am saying is that everyone should test for it .
“ By providing a no licence fee test that has no bias towards any vendor , we are allowing mining companies to scope that out .”
The venture is also part of Dance ’ s own ambitions to educate the mining sector on its waste-generating ways , he says .
“ In the grinding space there is so much material that is recycled throughout the plant inefficiently ,” he said . “ We must question why we are putting things back in the mill to ultimately take it to tailings .
“ There is simply no way we can carry on pursuing the economies of scale argument to reduce our energy consumption and water use . We need to embrace new technology in the right way – not running towards it but walking with purpose and data-backed decisions .” IM
results at the same time ,” he said . “ We ’ re not trying to provide the ultimate or ‘ perfect ’ test ; it just needs to be a standard test that can be benchmarked and easily replicated across the industry .
“ The value is in the data shared . People want to know how their sample compares with other operations , but this will only come with a large volume of testing .”
While XRT is first up , Dance says the company could soon add an X-ray Fluorescence option to the unit .
And , further out , he is confident this type of testing will open the door to more sensors coming into the mining sector outside of the ones already on offer .
“ When we show the electronics industry that we have a viable market by dictating the terms of how we want to sort material through knowledge of such testing , the sensors will come ,” he said .