IM November/December 2023 NovemberDecember23 | Page 12

Normet VR Scaling Simulator Training is one of its specialised options to help its customers ensure safe , sustainable , and efficient underground operations

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Simulators are now ubiquitous as a training tool in mining , with their benefits extending to safety and sustainability as well as operator technique , reports Paul Moore

In underground mining , most are familiar with simulators being used to train operators of primary mining fleet equipment such as loaders . However , some mining equipment types are highly specialised and therefore specific simulator-based training has developed to reflect that .

The best example in the industry is probably Normet , which over the years has developed a range of integrated simulation products for concrete spraying and scaling application training paths for both mining and tunnelling . All of its simulators are based on real-time Normet equipment user interfaces and operation controls to achieve the best possible simulation training experience for simulator users . This helps to increase operator equipment understanding and offers a safe environment to train different kinds of scenarios in these challenging processes without causing any expensive costs during training . Normet also says its simulators reduce environmental impact by saving fuel , material and time during training . It estimates that its simulation services historically have delivered an average of 23 % improvement in operational efficiency .
Starting with scaling , Normet offers Basic & Advance Scaling simulator and process application training courses from beginner level operators all the way up to advance levels of training . Its latest offer is the Scamec Thor LC VR Simulator .
Sprayed concrete simulators and process application training is offered up to the highest level for Normet ’ s Spraymec equipment , including the globally recognised EFNARC certification , and Normet has its own EFNARC examiners . This is a certified course for advanced sprayed concrete operators , but is also suitable for motivated beginners . it includes a full VR simulator spraying course with a certified Normet simulator and deeper insights into theory and practical assessment . The course provides the EFNARC sprayed concrete nozzleman certificate for passed participants .
For a more detailed insight , IM spoke to Harri Sonninen , Normet Global Product Manager , Service Products : “ Simulators represent a key part of our training solutions offering . Of course we offer charging , spraying , scaling , utility , cement delivery and other equipment – every single machine type has process and technical
training associated with it , and in some cases that includes official certification – for example in relation to sprayed concrete . It is here that Normet has been additionally supplying VR Simulators for about the past ten years most actively , and today we have quite an advanced pedagogic approach when it comes to those simulators . We can offer an EFNARC certification for sprayed concrete with our simulators and trainers , for example . And prior to that advanced level , it is still used to teach the operator all the basics first .”
He adds : “ Tunnelling and mining differ slightly – in civil tunnelling all the major contractors and operators require the EFNARC certification for sprayed concrete which we can do with our trainers and sims . Similarly but specific to Sweden , we can do the same for the Swedish transport authority Trafikverket ’ s certification requirements which are based on the standards of the Swedish Rock Engineering Association .”
He adds that there is a lot more variation in mining and it depends on the mining project . “ In some cases , where it is a big mining company using a global contractor they may look for the EFNARC certification – a really good example is Codelco , due to the size and extent of the tunnels it is developing in mines like El Teniente and its close relationship with contractors like STRABAG . But even for miners that don ’ t require EFNARC , they are still looking for the advanced Normet level qualification for the operator that will be similar to the EFNARC certification , the difference being the certification is based on very specific standards laid out by the tunnelling industry . In most cases the trainers we provide in mining are also EFNARC trained .” Some of the really big underground mining contractors have a Normet simulator permanently in their training locations or academies due to the regularity and number of training sessions they are having to provide .
Normet likes to provide its trainers and sims from day one of the project through to its conclusion . Training can be done either at a Normet service centre or the simulator can be brought to the mining customer site . But the simulator is not offered as a standalone product , it is part of an overall solution – therefore it rarely leases or sells the simulator , it is nearly always part of a complete training package . The exact set up will depend on how advanced the mining customer ’ s internal training set up is .
Sonninen said that even in the past couple of years in mining , there has been a big pick up in interest in Normet ’ s training packages . Part of this is an ever tighter focus on safety , but also the fact that many highly experienced sprayed
10 International Mining | NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2023