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Simon Bottoms , Mineral Resource Management and Evaluation Executive at Barrick , added : “ At Barrick , optimising the geometallurgical understanding of our orebodies from both economic as well as environmental aspects is a key aspect of both our evaluation process and operating philosophy . Accordingly , we have established a partnership with Draslovka to continue to test the application of new technological innovations with the aim of delivering increased long-term value to all stakeholders from our operations and projects while also underlining our sustainability strategy which is our business plan .”
CET aims to clean up in gold sector
Clean Earth Technologies ( CET ) is going a step further by developing a solution that uses no cyanide or mercury to leach gold .
The company ’ s non-toxic solution is designed to be integrated into conventional design / existing plants , as well as the likes of VAT and heap leaching applications . It claims its “ clean reagents ” are an effective alternative to cyanide that can be used in intense leach reactors , and it has a bank of metallurgical data to back this up .
Some of this has come from the region of Mato Grosso in Brazil where Altamira Gold has been using the company ’ s proprietary thiosulphate leach technique , developed by Clean Mining , a subsidiary of CET , in test work .
Among the highlights of recent testing on drill samples from the Maria Bonita Target , part of Altamira ’ s Cajueiro project , was the result of a 24-hour agitated leach test using the thiosulphate leach agent , at a grind size of 80 % passing 75 μm , which recovered 92 % of total gold content . This compared favourably to a cyanide leach test , conducted in parallel , using the same grind and leach time , which yielded a gold recovery of 91 %.
Altamira Gold President and CEO , Michael Bennett , said previous work with Clean Mining on oxide material from the existing Cajueiro resources came back with similarly encouraging results .
Alongside this , CET has been active on the partnership front .
In what CET said was a major move to reduce pollution and support environment friendly initiatives , Dubai-based MCT Group recently executed a Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU ) with CET that will see both parties enter a working relationship in the interests of locally manufacturing and supplying CET ’ s technologies and reagents .
The MoU focuses on MCT Group ’ s facilities in DIP , in Dubai , with the aim to provide CET ’ s proprietary reagents , commercialised by CET ’ s Clean Mining subsidiary , to customers .
Misho Ravic , Group CEO , MCT , said : “ It is a mineral processing equipment . matter of great satisfaction that our scale of
Gekko is a world technical leader in processing operations and regional expertise make us an and low-energy mining solutions . Founded in ideal organisation to introduce Clean Mining and Australia in 1996 , it has expertise in the design , make positive use of CET ’ s multiple capabilities . engineering , selection , development , This MoU is timely as such industry processes manufacturing , assembly and deployment of and remediations that do not contaminate the modular mineral processing equipment for the earth or the air , are the way forward , especially processing of mineral ores in gravity for gold mines globally .” separation , leaching and comminution in
Another MoU putting CET on the map was mining operations . signed last year when Gekko Systems executed Gekko ’ s CEO , Andrew Edmondston , said : “ I am an agreement that has seen both parties enter looking forward to collaborating with Clean Earth into a working relationship in the interests of Technologies . Their new reagents in combination identifying and pursuing appropriate project with Gekko ’ s world-leading ILR technologies opportunities that can combine CET ’ s allows for mineral processing to become more technologies and reagents and Gekko ’ s Inline environmentally friendly , while still achieving Leach Reactor ( ILR ) and associated modular high recovery .” IM

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MAY 2023 | International Mining 31