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Japan , India and South Korea .
For around the first decade , the mine will be in Phase 1 – initial establishment of operations to 6 Mt / y ROM coal production at the Olive Downs

FLANDERS and Hofmann Engineering have agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU ) “ to strategically align the electrical and mechanical engineering expertise , capabilities and production facilities of each company ”. The combined resources will provide customers with turnkey , world-class aftermarket electro-mechanical wheel motor solutions for their haul truck fleets , according to the companies .

The MoU initially serves as the platform to provide advanced aftermarket haul truck wheel motor solutions and enables future expansion into supplying repairs , rebuilds and upgrades to other mobile mining equipment models or components .
John Oliver , CEO of FLANDERS , said : “ We believe the MoU represents the beginning of a long-term and strong alliance . We are excited to team up our two renowned companies to offer world-class products and services to the mining industry , supporting the pillars of safety , quality , reliability and productivity that drive TCO .”
South domain within Pits ODS1 , ODS2 and ODS3 . The two out-of-pit waste rock emplacements in the north of the Olive Downs South domain will be constructed and rehabilitated , and backfilling of Pits ODS1 , ODS2 and ODS3 will have commenced . The northern section of the permanent highwall emplacement will have been constructed to isolate the open cuts from the Isaac River . This will be followed by peak production of 6-12 Mt / y in Phase 2 when all pits in the Olive Downs South domain ( except Pits ODS7 and ODS8 ) would be operating . In November 2022 at a Bowen Basin Mining
Erich Hofmann , Managing Director , Hofmann Engineering , added : “ We see ourselves as the supplier of choice for aftermarket mechanical and electrical solutions to the mining equipment market .”
The two companies add that they are “ excited to launch this new strategic alliance to continue innovating in the electro-mechanical mining haul truck domain , and to expand our footprint globally ”.
FLANDERS is headquartered in Indiana , USA , but with global locations across the Americas ,
Club event , Pembroke Resources General Manager , Blair Richardson , revealed some details about the fleet – namely that Thiess will deploy both Caterpillar 793 and 794 haul trucks working with 800 t excavators ( Liebherr R 9800s ). The Olive Downs Complex , he said , will be the first greenfield east coast site to roll out full automation with three automated fleets and two manned fleets . This will be one of the most significant greenfield Caterpillar Command for hauling projects in recent years . www . pembrokeresources . com . au ; www . cat . com / mining

FLANDERS , Hofmann Engineering in engineering alignment MoU

Leading miners form GeoStable Tailings Consortium

Anew consortium of eight global mining companies has launched a multi-year initiative to develop and implement new technological applications for managing tailings .

The GeoStable Tailings Consortium ( GSTC ) comprises Antamina , Barrick , BHP , Freeport- McMoRan , Gold Fields , Newmont , Teck and Vale , with external expert support provided by Dr G Ward Wilson of the University of Alberta .
The GSTC will study options to combine various blends of tailings with waste rock to create ‘ geo-stable ’ landforms that are stronger and more stable than conventional tailings deposition methods and are likely to reduce process water consumption . It will undertake a range of research and development activities , including laboratory testing , field trials and data analysis , and will collaborate to promote best practices in tailings and waste management and foster a culture of continuous improvement
across the mining industry .
Martin Preece , Interim CEO of Gold Fields , said : “ The management of our TSFs has as its ultimate goal zero harm to people and the environment through their full life cycle . This is in line with the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management , the new tailings storage facility ( TSF ) benchmark to which all members of the ICMM are committed to conform to . Having stable TSFs is a critical element of this standard .
“ There is significant mining industry interest in developing geo-stable TSFs , but there is still a lack of a sound research and development including testing protocols to assess , compare and validate the performance of different technical approaches across different mineralogical and operational situations . Gold Fields is , therefore , a willing participant in this consortium and playing our role in becoming part of the solution .”
Australia and in Africa . It is already well known in mining for its conversions of electric-drive mining trucks from DC to its AC traction motors as well as applying its state-of-the-art FREEDOM ® control system , which tracks vibration and temperature trends to show when traction motors will need predictive maintenance to ensure safety and performance . It also applies a similar approach and scaled up technologies with mining shovels and draglines . Plus , it is the leading player in OEM-agnostic automation of blasthole drill rigs with its ARDVARC system .
Hofmann Engineering , based in Perth , Western Australia , but again with multiple global locations , is best known for being a leader in mining for gears and drive solutions for large grinding mills , including some of the largest in the world . However , its product range also incorporates both mechanical and electrical final drive transmissions for haul trucks , plus associated components interchangeable with OEM products . www . flandersinc . com ; www . hofmannengineering . com
The new GSTC initiative builds on the work of a group formed to advance geo-waste and ecotailings research previously pursued by Goldcorp , which was acquired by Newmont in early 2019 . www . antamina . com ; www . barrick . com ; www . bhp . com ; www . fcx . com ; www . goldfields . com ; https :// newmont . com ; www . teck . com ; www . vale . com
10 International Mining | MAY 2023