IM May 2024 May 24 | Page 62

the mid-1990s and have now been developed with battery operation in collaboration with Epiroc . The study will review Boliden ’ s lessons learned from this significant paradigm shift and the various aspects of the transition to battery operation from the viewpoints of operators and maintenance managers .
Jama told IM : “ It is of interest to understand how Boliden has redrawn the map to implement new technology , challenges and how the operator experienced differences from diesel scalers to battery scalers and if there have been any special training needs or adaptions . By highlighting these various aspects of the first battery-powered scalers implementation in a mining environment , the lecture will provide insight into the potential and challenges of introducing new technologies and promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly scaling practices in the mining industry .”
Lekatech ’ s groundbreaking electric hammers
Lekatech Oy , the Finnish technology company , is introducing a groundbreaking electric hammer based on its patented linear electric motor technology , which is says reshapes the market for impact hammers , arguing that the electric impact hammer technology is unparalleled worldwide . “ Our technological breakthrough not only enables more energy-efficient earthmoving and mining operations , but also strengthens the realisation of a green transition in these fields ,” says Antti Anttila , CEO of Lekatech .
Lekatech , s Electric Hammer is powered by novel and patented linear electric motor technology , developed through years of dedicated research and innovation . “ We are proud of the strides we have taken over the past five years in developing linear motor technology ,” Anttila adds .
Lekatech ’ s electric hammer it says disrupts the traditional hydraulic impact hammer market , catering to both urban and mining environments , especially with the integration of electric carrier machines . The electric hammer increases energy efficiency by 70 % compared to its hydraulic counterparts . In addition to energy efficiency , the Lekatech Electric Hammer it says significantly outperforms comparable traditional technology , “ providing twice the blow impact energy of a hydraulic hammer of the same size .”
Environmental friendliness and performance go hand in hand with the Lekatech Electric Hammer . Its programmable features provide flexibility and enable continuous digital development . “ The Lekatech Electric Hammer enables the use of electric carrier machines in a new magnitude , and allows for seamless integration with electrically powered machinery , resulting in up to 70 % energy savings when
Lekatech says its electric hammer increases energy efficiency by 70 % compared to its hydraulic counterparts
factoring in overall energy consumption of the equipment . Furthermore , this innovative hammer eliminates the need for oil and the oil-associated environmental impact of hammering . Oil consumption is reduced by 98 % compared to hydraulic hammers .”
Lekatech ’ s ambition also supports Normet ’ s continued progress in mining electrification . The fully-electric hammer , combined with Normet SmartDrive ® battery-electric architecture , will shape the future of underground scaling and breaking , the company says . Normet in 2023 became a minority shareholder in Lekatech .
AFRY signs deal with Copperstone
AFRY has signed a two-year framework agreement with Copperstone Resources AB . The agreement is a continuation of previous cooperation . With this framework agreement AFRY continues as a trusted partner to support Copperstone to reach their goal of becoming one of the world ’ s most sustainable producers of copper .
The Swedish mining company Copperstone is planning to reopen the Viscaria mine in Kiruna , Sweden . The mine was closed at the turn of the millennium as demand for copper fell . Today , the need for copper is a key factor in the transition to renewable energy . When Copperstone plans to open up the Viscaria mine in Kiruna , efficient water management and circular flows are important aspects for responsible mining .
Through the framework agreement , AFRY will contribute with expertise through a wide range of competence areas with a focus on sustainable solutions and the Best Available Technologies ( BAT ). This includes services within multidisciplinary engineering in environment , geotechnics , process , mechanical and piping , electrical , automation , digitalisation , civil and construction and sustainability services .
" Society is changing towards greater use of
renewable energy sources , and metals play a key role in this transition . Our calculations suggest that Viscaria could produce 30 000 tonnes of copper per year . Our ambition also extends to optimising the opportunities for reMining - reusing and utilising the material from previous mining operations to a greater extent . In this work , we look forward to continuing our cooperation with AFRY , which has extensive experience and deep expertise in the mining and metals sector ,” says Emma Mäkitaavola , Project Manager at Copperstone Resources .
“ Through our center of future mining and metal in Sweden together with AFRY ' s entire range of services and our focus on sustainability , we have a unique expertise in multidisciplinary engineering needed in mining projects . We look forward to contributing to create a modern and responsible mining operation ,” says Lisa Vedin , Head of Process Industries division for AFRY in Sweden . The agreement is valid from 2024 to 2026 .
Hypex Bio signs key agreement with Boliden
Boliden says it has become the first mining operator to sign an agreement for the production and delivery of a newly developed explosive from Sweden ’ s Hypex Bio with significantly improved environmental and climate performance . In the process , the company ’ s need for nitrogen treatment of water is being reduced and its climate performance will improve by around 400 t of CO 2 per year , it says .
Peter Bergman , General Manager of the Boliden Area , said : “ For us , it is important to be part of technology development in many areas and , when it is successful , we also want to be early with implementation . Together with the electrification of transport and other machines , this means another important step towards being
60 International Mining | MAY 2024