IM May 2024 May 24 | Page 59

Hilti to develop a new solution , which involved the use of friction welded studs , which were fired into the elevator shaft using a spring-loaded gun .
LKAB gets valuable electric truck experience at Malmberget
Iron ore mining major LKAB has now been running a Scania electric truck at its iron ore mine in Malmberget since late 2022 , and said recently that it has been living up to their expectations , and more . The Scania 25P XT allelectric heavy tipper has a total weight including load of 49 t and transports residual products .
Scania and LKAB are both operating in industries currently undergoing shifts to reach a higher level of sustainability . The two companies joined forces to operate electric vehicles in LKAB ’ s mines , a step towards sustainable transport for this industry .
LKAB truck operator Stig Hoffner : “ The truck is extremely quiet compared to a diesel . And especially when you work driving uphill , something that demands a low gear . It responds right away , capacity-wise and it also has excellent torque . The greatest difference is when it ’ s in reverse gear . Then you need to be careful not to push the gas pedal too hard . Then it will go too fast , but backwards . One can say you drive 10-15 loads a day , so up to 30 single trips . I drive about 100-110 km daily at peak times .”
Par Sundqvist , Engineer Automation and
Electrification at LKAB : “ The Scania truck is the first truck of a bigger size that we evaluate to replace our fossil alternatives . We have had it for nearly a year . It has been driven about 20,000 km .” He adds : “ The evaluation that we do is done towards energy targets ; we do it to become fossil-free , and we do it to become more costefficient . If we only consider this year that we have done the evaluation and the tests , we have saved 50 t in CO 2 emissions . Our journey in electrification as from today is to work closely with Scania as a partner , to develop vehicles together , adapted for our operations ... our mission , together with Scania , is to transport and load fossil-free iron ore with fossil-free vehicles , and in the end , make more fossil-free vehicles of fossil-free steel .”
Scania 25P XT all electric truck emerging from LKAB Malmberget mine portal
Peter Gustavsson , LKAB Project Manager , Electrification : “ Our Scania has now transported roughly 80,000 t of material and it has given us a huge experience of electric , battery-driven trucks . We are extremely pleased with the tests so far . LKAB , SSAB together with Scania , mean that we go full-circle on fossil-free steel .”
SSAB – bringing emission-free steel powder to the market
In March 2024 , SSAB launched the world ’ s first emission-free steel powder for commercial deliveries , made of recycled SSAB Zero ® steel . The product will create opportunities for