IM May 2024 May 24 | Page 57


Scandic success stories

Jama SBU 8000E battery scaler at work in a Boliden mine in Sweden
Paul Moore looks again at mining equipment , technology and services companies in this region , who at the same time serve Nordic mines but also supply solutions worldwide

The Nordic region includes Norway , Sweden , Finland , Denmark / Greenland and Iceland plus the Faroe Islands . That means it incorporates the head offices of some of the biggest names in mining technology , such as Sandvik , Epiroc , Metso , Volvo , Scania and Normet . But it doesn ’ t stop there – there is a raft of other specialist companies based in the region supplying a range of products and technologies from special steels to rock tools , explosives , scalers and elevators . For this issue we look at some developments at the larger players but mainly home in on the smaller focused players .

Starting with mineral processing and automation , Valmet is set to deliver and implement a Valmet DNA automation system to the concentrator of Sibanye-Stillwater ’ s Keliber lithium project in Finland . The delivery is planned for August 2025 and the final acceptance for July 2026 . Sibanye-Stillwater ’ s Keliber lithium project intends to produce battery-grade lithium hydroxide from its own mined ore reserves . The project consists of future mines , the concentrator in Kaustinen and a lithium refinery in Kokkola . Construction is ongoing at both plant sites . Valmet ’ s DNA automation system was also chosen for the Keliber lithium refinery and that is planned to be installed this spring . The comprehensive system it says offers reliability through redundancy .
“ We are delighted that Sibanye-Stillwater has placed their confidence in us once again by selecting Valmet DNA as their primary automation system for their Keliber lithium project concentrator as well . Using the same systems for multiple sites allows automation engineers and maintenance staff to handle the system with a lot more ease and efficiency . The field of battery chemicals presents a fascinating area for process development with immense potential looking to the future ,” says Arto Mäkinen , Sales Manager , Automation Systems , Valmet .
“ I am pleased that we have again partnered with Valmet for the automation of the concentrator and am sure that the process will be smooth . Our future integrated production from mining to refining will be unique in Europe and play a big role in the self-sufficiency of lithium supply for the battery industry in the region ,” says Hannu Hautala , SVP , Keliber lithium project .
Normet on BEV introduction momentum
The world has changed a lot over the last decade , nowhere more so than in the field of battery electric vehicles , said Timo Oikarinen , Technology Implementation Manager at Normet in a recent online article . He says today ’ s technology makes commissioning and operating BEVs more attractive than ever .
“ We have seen a lot of changes in the mining and tunnelling industry over the past decades ,” said Oikarinen from his office in Iisalmi , Finland , “ and I ’ m lucky enough to have observed these changes first hand .” As Technology Implementation Manager at Normet , he is responsible for being part of development teams for new technologies such as electric machines , and acting as an interface of sorts between the customer and Normet ’ s R & D and production departments .
“ Ten years ago , the world we operate in was totally different ,” he continues . “ Previously , we had diesel powered machines with traditional systems , and the goal was almost to reduce the number of electrical systems and automation as much as possible . Today , it ’ s completely the opposite .”
As trends outside the industry have changed , so have they impacted the working environment within mining and tunnelling . “ We have all seen that the number of electric cars on the road , for example , has increased a lot recently . Because the technology is more widespread in general it has become easier to convince customers of its advantages ,” he continues . “ This has been useful in mining because it is traditionally an industry that is slow to adopt to new technologies and possibilities .”
Often , safety concerns contribute to this reticence . The underground environment is anyway inherently dangerous , so introducing new technologies or methods of operation can be difficult if the safety element is felt to be uncertain . In terms of battery electric vehicles ( BEVs ), however , these concerns have now been overcome , he says . “ BEVs actually contribute to
Valmet ' s DNA automation system chosen for Sibanye-Stillwater ’ s Keliber lithium project concentrator . Image courtesy Sweco Finland
MAY 2024 | International Mining 55