IM May 2024 May 24 | Page 27

The Bortana EV is a battery-electric vehicle designed to handle the dynamic operating environment of underground mines
vehicles deployed , two of which have been configured for heavy duties and one configured as a supervisory vehicle . A Batt Mobile Equipment ( BME ) BIT120 integrated tool carrier is also being put through its paces .
The Bortana EV is a battery-electric vehicle designed to handle the dynamic operating environment of underground mines . Designed and developed in Australia , it uses the chassis of a diesel-powered Agrale Marruá , electric technology from 3ME and Safescape ’ s design and engineering expertise . It tackles safety and health concerns by reducing emissions , heat and maintenance , Bortana says .
Charging infrastructure for all four pieces of equipment has already been installed at Cannington , and there are expectations the learnings from these trials will be factored into the plans at the Hermosa project in Arizona , USA – a project the company has already said could use battery-electric underground equipment .
Bortana recently told IM : “ As of now , preproduction of the Bortana EV underground mining electric vehicle is on the brink of completion , marking a significant milestone in the development journey . With meticulous attention to detail and rigorous testing , the preproduction phase has been instrumental in finetuning the vehicle ’ s design and performance for optimal functionality in mining operations .
“ Attention has now shifted towards gearing up for serial production , which is a pivotal transition towards mass manufacturing and deployment . This phase entails scaling up production capacities , streamlining assembly processes and ensuring adherence to quality standards to meet the anticipated demand .”
Rokion has also proven successful in Australia with a number of trials and deployments .
It has been an extremely busy period for the company of late , having started shipping batteryelectric trucks to Torex Gold ’ s Media Luna operations in Mexico as part of a record fleet order , as well as securing a major contract win with BHP at the Jansen project in Canada .
The company , which prides itself on a groundup battery-electric vehicle design tailored to mining , has been making waves across the globe over the last 24-36 months , with operators having transitioned from testing single vehicles to securing commercial fleets .


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SpecialMineServices . com
Marshall . Girtman @ SpecialMineServices . com 618.932.2151 ext . 114