Antamina moves ahead
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On February 15 , 2024 , Peru ’ s National Environmental Certification Service for Sustainable Investments ( SENACE ) approved , after a detailed evaluation process , the Modification of the Environmental Impact Study ( MEIA ) of copper and zinc mining major Compañía Minera Antamina . This approval allows for an investment of approximately US $ 2 billion over the next few years , following Antamina ’ s internal governance process , which will allow the company to extend its operations from 2028 to 2036 in the Áncash region .
The MEIA will allow Antamina to optimise existing mining components within its current operation , underpinning environmental , social and operational sustainability . Among the main modifications are the expansion of the footprint of the open pit , and the expansion and optimisation of the dumps and tailings dam . These modifications have been designed under strict engineering protocols , which guarantee safe conditions for workers and adjacent communities .
As these are changes within the area of operations , the positive relationship that the company has managed to consolidate for more than 20 years with neighbouring communities and populations it says will remain unchanged . The MEIA has been the result of rigorous technical work that involved various state entities and top-level consultants . During the evaluation stage , three citizen participation processes were carried out between 2019 and 2022 in the area of social and environmental influence , incorporating cultural and diversity aspects . This made it possible to integrate valuable contributions from the public sector , communal authorities and citizens .
Víctor Gobitz , President and CEO of Antamina , thanked all parties involved in this process . “ The MEIA is an important milestone for Antamina and the Peruvian mining industry , and reaffirms our commitment to the country and the Ancash region . This approval broadens our horizon and allows us to continue working hand in hand with the authorities and communities to deploy a mature public and private institutional framework , which seeks to transform economic resources from mining into sustainable development for all ,” he commented .
Antamina is one of the leading copper producing companies in Peru , and one of the largest in the world ; Its shareholders are BHP , Glencore , Teck and Mitsubishi . In terms of the consultants Antamina has worked with , DRA has played an important role . Back in 2020 it was elected by Antamina to lead the Early Contractor Involvement ( ECI ) phase of the Waste 1 project and has continued working with Antamina on various projects since then including involvement with the Waste 2 and CCS elements of the MEIA . Stantec has also provided extensive tailings-related services to Antamina as well as preparation of the MEIA document itself .
The MEIA outlines the changes at Antamina going forward . The mine area will be increased by 25 % and the open pit will be deepened by additional 150 m will be deepened . Up to 173,000 t / d of ore will be extracted , with a waste movement of up to approximately 742,000 t / d .
There will be replacement of the primary ore crushing station and installation of a new Waste 2 rock crusher . Two new tunnels will be built along with associated conveyor belts : one for ore towards the processing plant and the other ( Waste 2 ) for waste towards a spreader at the waste dumps . The conveyor belt system will complement transportation by mining trucks , which will remain at the current levels . The Waste 1 part of the project involves optimisation of the existing waste crushing and transportation system to the waste dumps .
Specifically , the ore extracted from the pit will be taken to the crushing and ore transportation system ( also called the CCS ). This auxiliary facility will have modifications that will consist of the inclusion of the new primary crushing station , which will be inside a buried concrete building , and the belt hauling system that will transport and unload the ore through stackers fixed to the processing plant storage piles .
There will be a 26 % increase in waste storage capacity at the Este waste dump to reach 3,840 Mt and a 32 % increase at the Tucush waste dump to reach a capacity of approximately 1,280 Mt . Este ’ s footprint will increase by 36 % to reach an approximate surface area of 1,494 ha . The optimised design for Tucush will generate an increase in the footprint by 8 % to reach a total surface area of 346 ha .
At the tailings dam , 195 m will be added at the base and 30 m in height , applying a design that guarantees the safety of the infrastructure . This increases the approved elevation of 4,165 m above sea level to the elevation of 4,195 meters above sea level . The dam will reach a storage capacity of approximately 1,527 Mt from the current 1,100 Mt and the footprint will occupy an area of approximately 905 ha .
Antamina will also optimise some equipment and processes in the processing plant in the main stages of crushing , grinding , classification and flotation , to reach a capacity of 208,000 t per day and maintain the annual production volume , through the replacement , modification and / or addition of equipment in seven areas .
Paul Moore Editorial Director paul @ im-mining . com
MARCH 2024 | International Mining 3