IM MAR 23 March 2023 | Page 45

HOT Industries says it is one of the few players to have successfully applied its intelligent CRT sensor-based ore sorter across non-ferrous metals , ferrous metals , non-metals and coal mines
company ’ s “ revolutionary innovations ” to enable intelligent and effective mineral separation , it says , representing a fusion of photoelectric sorting technology .
The former combines XRT and image recognition technology with AI algorithms to conduct precise detection and ejection processes , especially in smaller particle sizes . In real-world applications , it has shown separation performance with an up to 99 % metal recovery rate , 90 % reject rate and 40-380 t / h capacity .
“ It has made great strides in pre-concentration to reduce the cost for subsequent processes and prolong the mine service life in an environmentally friendly manner ,” the company said .
The CCD sorter , meanwhile , uses photoelectric detection technology to automatically sort the heterochromatic particles in the granular material according to the difference in the optical properties of the material . After colour separation , the ore has high purity and uniform colour , which greatly improves the utilisation of the ore and doubles its value , according to HOT Industries .
The sorter can achieve the accuracy of 99 % in a one-time sorting application , according to company data .
HOT Industries is one of the few players to have successfully applied its intelligent XRT sensor-based ore sorter across non-ferrous metals , ferrous metals , non-metals and coal mines . More specifically , it has been put into operation in tungsten , tin , antimony , gold , copper , lead-zinc , coal and others , the company says .
The company is also exploring a combination of both the colour sorter and the XRT sorter combination for lithium sorting and recovery .
HOT Industries said : “ As a witness and participant in mineral processing , HOT Industries not only brings creativity to small-capacity separation but also to bulk sorting . AI-based MR sorting is a high-efficiency solution to improve the grade and output for bulk sorting minerals such as iron . It uses MR sensors and ore sorting technology to improve the ore grade and output , which enables a large sorting capacity of circa- 3,000-10,000 t / h .”
In such an application , the MR sensor can continuously detect the grade of iron , identify low-grade ore and eject it through the actuator . The MR sorter will continuously discard the lowgrade ore to avoid it entering the subsequent separation process , reducing the operating cost and improving production efficiency .
“ Compared with XRT technology , AI-backed MR sorting a ‘ pre-discard ’ application can further improve the plant processing capacity ,” the company said .
To support and enhance ore sorting , HOT Industries has also developed LIPS online
www . tomra . com / mining