Austin Engineering has added Hulk mining buckets to its offering with its Mainetec acquisition
Mainetec Pty Ltd for an initial amount of A $ 19.6 million ($ 12.3 million ). The acquisition , Austin says , provides it with numerous operational benefits , both immediately and in the long-term .
Mainetec ’ s premium range of “ Hulk ” buckets will complement Austin ’ s JEC-HP high performance and standard bucket ranges , as well as bolster the company ’ s presence on the East Coast of Australia by leveraging Mainetec ’ s existing strong market share in the region , it said . This is anticipated to have a cascading benefit to Austin ’ s Austbore Mackay repair and maintenance service business .
Beyond Australia , Mainetec ’ s electric rope
April 17-20 , 2023 | Cape Town , South Africa
Sponsored by : King ’ s Ceramics & Chemicals , Russell Mineral Equipment , Keramos , Starkey & Associates , Grinding Solutions , Glencore Technology , ME Elecmetal , Derrick Corp ., ZEISS , Hudbay Minerals , Magotteaux , Metso Outotec , Sino Grinding International , Dakot , Maelgwyn Mineral Services , Bradken , Capstone Copper , Eracles - Ceramiche Tecniche , FLSmidth , Tega Industries , Promet101 , Minerals Engineering , International Mining , Coalition for Eco- �����������������������������������������������������������������
June 5-6 , 2023 | Falmouth , UK
Sponsored by : International Mining , Minerals Engineering and the Critical Minerals Association
June 7-8 , 2023 | Falmouth , UK
Sponsored by : Promet101 , International Mining , Minerals Engineering , Coali- �����������������������������������������������������������������������������
November 6-9 , 2023 | Cape Town , South Africa
Sponsored by : Promet101 , Gold Ore , ZEISS , Magotteaux , Eriez Flotation , FLSmidth , Solvay , Hudbay Minerals , Metso Outotec , Maelgwyn Mineral Services , Festo , CiDRA Mineral Processing , Capstone Copper , Metcelerate , Clariant , Nouryon , MetSoP , Kemtec Africa , Nesch Mintec , International Mining , Minerals Engineering , Global Mining Review , & the Critical Minerals Association
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shovel dipper bucket is a high-value product that Austin is already progressing plans to offer across the US , Canada and Chile markets , which are markets that have a high demand for large dipper buckets and where Austin already has an established presence , it says .
Additionally , Mainetec ’ s condition monitoring software system , ‘ Mainetrack ’, will be used across the Austin ’ s fleet to maximise productivity .
Austin CEO and Managing Director , David Singleton , said : “ It is very pleasing to finalise our acquisition of Mainetec which will deliver significant and tangible value to Austin . This acquisition ticks all of the right boxes ; it will complement our core product range , enhance our market presence in Australia and beyond , and is set to deliver enhanced earnings .
“ I am looking forward to working with the founders of Mainetec and their workforce as we collectively strive to achieve a phase of prolonged growth .”
MTG ’ s new lower wing shroud
MTG is introducing a new option of lower wing shroud for its MTG SYSTEMS / PROMET product family that incorporates a 100 mm longer upper part . The new version is ready to be ordered and equipped in TERRA cast lips size 7 that is suitable for mining excavators of 650 – 1,000 t .
The new lower wing shroud option 4MY7CLT-2 with extended upper part covers the front part of the cast lip ’ s welding seam . This has the benefit of providing an additional protection to the welding seam increasing the structural integrity of the bucket while also decreasing the need for maintenance . This applies especially to heavy mining applications in highly abrasive terrains such as iron ore and copper ore mines .
With the two lower wing shroud options , customers have the choice to select depending on their mining applications : while the existing option 4MY7CLT ends directly at the cast lip ’ s welding seam to offer a better visual control of possible wear appearances , the new option 4MY7CLT-2 provides a better protection of the welding seam against external influences such as impacts and abrasion .
Both lower wing shrouds use the same hammerless PROMET III locking , are compatible with the GET DETECTION system and are even interchangeable between each other . Only the position of the upper wing shroud needs to be considered as it varies due to the different heights of the lower wing shroud .
CR coal bucket breakthrough
CR , now part of Epiroc , recently announced the results of a collaborative development with Jaws of a new bucket , lip , and GET combination for 800 t excavators at Maules Creek that has resulted in a 2.6 % increase in bucket payload .
CR is constantly on the lookout for opportunities to innovate with the world ’ s best miners and suppliers to find the next breakthrough in mining productivity and they believe they ’ ve found it .
Working with the world-renowned design , engineering , and fabrication company Jaws , CR was able to integrate their expertise to find a solution for a NSW coal mine , Whitehaven Coal at Maules Creek .
Whitehaven Coal found the excavator bucket for their 800 t class machines was not achieving optimum productivity results . After careful , indepth analysis of the bucket , lip , and GET performance using CR ’ s Titan 3330 payload management system , CR was able to collect performance data and work with Jaws to design a bucket , lip , and GET combination that would offer an improved bucket payload of up to 2.6 %.
CR ’ s newly designed SR7046 Stingray cast lip is part of their famous , high-production suite of cast lips compatible with 500-1,000 t excavator machines . Stingray cast lips are designed to deliver a smoother material entrance and better penetration for an optimum payload which greatly contributes to the uplift in productivity . This project CR says has resulted in a new bucket and lip standard for 800 t class machines across the globe .
34 International Mining | MARCH 2023