IM June 2024 June 24 | Page 44

Metso ’ s might in pump technology
Metso is a global leader in mining pump solutions and IM spoke at length to Tiago Oliveira , VP , Pumps business line . With increased need for battery metals and especially high copper demand which are needed for the energy transition there is a definite need to process more ore . This combined with lower overall grades translates in much higher volume of tailings that need to be processed . There is also a clear movement to more sustainable and responsible handling and storage of the tailings , which is translating into higher levels of dewatering and higher solids concentration that need to be pumped . Oliveira : “ These market needs are well addressed by the Metso pump range . Metso pumps have a long history and tradition in slurry tailings pipeline with multiple global references . We will continue to increase our pumps , hydrocyclones , hoses , and valves installed base in tailings applications . In addition , to ensure we push the boundaries and deliver best in class products to enable our customers to achieve their outcomes , Metso has committed a large portion of its R & D budget to the processing and transportation of tailings . A key driver is to achieve this in the most sustainable way through a focus on delivering Planet Positive products . The result being to fulfill our customers flowsheets technical requirements in the most efficient and effective way possible through the full assets lifecycle management needs .”
He adds that as part of the Metso culture , it has its customers equipment lifecycle journey at the centre of what it does and Oliveira said that some of the Metso unique design elements differentiate it in the tailings market . “ As an example , the double adjust frame for a continuous optimal operation of the pump at the Best Efficiency Point , extended wet-end wear life and increased bearing life , the hydraulic actuated maintenance slide base for the easiest , fastest and safest maintenance procedures in the market and gland solutions as well as the zero-flush Metso mechanical seals and ultra low-flow Enviroset™ system for environmental sustainability . These differentiation elements , combined with a complete portfolio for tailings applications , supported on what we have best , our Metsonites people , and the extensive global network for aftermarket support make us stand out highly in the market .”
Metso is also well known for the quality of its materials throughout its mineral processing solutions and pumps are no exception . Oliveira : “ Throughout their history , Metso Pumps have developed materials to meet customer demands . Nowadays , we continue the development journey with the addition to our offering of harder and corrosion resistant alloys as well as harder and
Tailings market needs in mining are well addressed by the Metso slurry pump range
chemical resistant elastomers that are applicable to the latest base metals mining customer ´ s flowsheet demands .”
On newer products , in the Mill Discharge ( MD ) arena it recently launched the MDM900 model which it says has been positively received by the market . Oliveira : “ A compact footprint , high hydraulic efficiencies , adjustable front and backliners to maintain high efficiency , reduced wear and ultra-low water consumption Enviroset gland sealing have been just some of the key features that set these pumps apart from the competition . In addition , the quick change out clamshell design and services tools for a safe maintenance enables rapid complete wet end change out to reduce downtime and maximise mill uptime . As a result , our MD pumps have been getting consistent outstanding feedback from our customers , as they are very happy with the full Mill Discharge ( MD ) pumps range . The positive feedback typically centres around how well they have been designed , how reliable they have been when in operation and how they are easy to operate and maintain on-site . This has enabled our customers to achieve lowest cost of operation and an increase in environmental sustainability in the long term , supported on Metso ’ s extensive services and warehouses network during the full asset lifecycle journey .”
Regarding digitalisation , Metso has an extensive digital program and Metso Pumps has been a key player in that program with already extensive offering and capabilities . Metso Pumps ’ offering consists of a wireless condition monitoring system with support services as remote monitoring for asset management , with the ambition of going from improving the equipment uptime to improving overall equipment performance . Oliveira : “ The pumps digital services solutions can be complemented with Metso ’ s extensive automation and digital portfolio , eg CycloneSense™ , Courier ® analysers , and with process optimisation services expertise , Geminex™ to capture and monitor performance collaboratively to reach maximum capacity out of the process and sustainable solutions to
overcome the typical challenges our customers can experience on a day-to-day basis .”
Looking ahead , Oliveira said that as part of Metso ’ s company culture it maintains a systematic offering and capabilities development program in alignment with the market developments . “ Currently we continue to work on improving our pumps offering with new models and materials that fulfill customers ’ flowsheet demands in mill discharge , tailings and slurry transfer applications , and that extends to our hydrocyclones , valves , hoses and aftermarket . Of course , not forgetting the already mentioned digital solutions , which are also covered by our continuous development program .”
He added : “ More than the best-in-class equipment development that Metso will always present to the market , our customers are also relying on our Metsonites performance culture , know-how and expertise backed by an extensive global network of aftermarket support to succeed and that is an area where we keep evolving and developing our offering and capabilities to meet their requirements and fulfill their expectations through the assets fleet lifecycle management for a continuous improvement of their operations outcome and environmental sustainability .”
Valmet ’ s Flowrox peristaltic pumps perform at Vares in Bosnia
The need for strategic metals is continuously growing ; they are vital for industrial development and energy transition . The Adriatic Metals ’ Vares mine is Bosnia ’ s premier mineral processing facility , and also a forerunner in sustainability . This massive multi-year project has now reached the final stage as the Vares processing plant started operating in Q1 , 2024 . Successful cooperation between Valmet and its local channel partner IBEJ has helped Vares stay on schedule , and the delivery of robust high quality
42 International Mining | JUNE 2024