IM June 2024 June 24 | Page 36

the split casing , made maintenance easier and reduced the risk to those working on the pump .
Bautista : “ Based on these trial results , the customer calculated that their total cost of ownership ( TCO ) was significantly reduced and that the Warman ® MCR ® 760 pump would be the best solution to manage their projected future throughput increases . As a result , they agreed to change out all their existing pumps .”
With ore grades declining , ever increasing plant throughput will be required to supply the demand of a world moving towards electrification . In addition , operators and owners may find that minimising the number of mills and pumps in a plant can reduce capital expenditure for new plants or expansions .
He added : “ Operators that need to accommodate the highest flow rates through their mill circuit pumps could benefit from a Warman ® MCR ® 760 pump . Weir has local experts in all major mining regions who can assess a mine ’ s process and determine whether the Warman ® MCR ® 760 pump would provide the best solution .”
Throughout the entire process of trialling , commissioning and installing the Warman ® MCR ® 760 pump at the Chilean mine , Weir says it worked closely with the operator to ensure there were minimum disruptions to production .
It has a service centre and workshop located nearby and Weir personnel are typically on-site three or four times a week to deal with any routine issues , while their close proximity to the customer ensures they can be there quickly if and when they ’ re required .
Weir personnel are also present for scheduled maintenance shutdowns ; the impeller and liners are scanned and an operational duty report is provided to the customer . Weir evaluates the pumps ’ performance , looks at how the cyclones are being fed and the metallurgy , as well as analysing the wear trends . Based on this data , Weir can then provide advice and recommendations to help them further optimise their operations .
Sykes on matching pumps with pipes
Increased efficiency and reduced operational costs are always high on the priority list for mining companies . For those mines using dewatering pumps , Chris O ’ Brien , Sykes Group Global Pumps Product Manager told IM it has identified one area often overlooked but crucial to improving safety , costs and efficiency .
He commented : “ The selection of suction and discharge pipes plays a vital role in the success of the pump hydraulic system . It ’ s not uncommon to mismatch the dewatering pump and pipes or underestimate the environmental and geographical conditions . Understanding the dynamic interplay between pump capacity and pipe characteristics can have a major influence on the success of your dewatering operation .”
O ’ Brien says selection of the suction pipe is dependent on several factors : n The maximum vertical head from the water level at its lowest to the centre line of the pump suction . n The distance from the sump to the pump position , which can vary based on the site conditions and access to the sump . n Geographical issues like altitude can affect the pump performance and therefore determine the selection of the suction pipe required . “ For a pump to generate enough suction lift , you must ensure The Nett Positive Suction Head available ( NPSHa ) is equal to or exceeds the Nett Positive Suction Head required ( NPSHr ). Selecting the correct suction pipe size and grade will reduce friction losses through the pipe and help ensure the pump is fit for purpose .”
O ’ Brien adds that equally important is the size and grade of the discharge pipe to ensure friction loss is kept to a minimum , so the water reaches its intended discharge point at the flow rate required . “ It ’ s crucial to pay attention to the pipe pressure rating , especially the portion of the pipe attached to the pump as this will experience the full discharge pressure . The pipe material , whether poly pipe , steel pipe , PVC or other , should be selected to be compatible with the fluid being pumped to ensure the longevity of the pipeline .”
When pumping liquids , your number one priority is to transport an optimal volume of fluid over a given timeframe , using as little energy as possible . “ The more energy efficient you are , the less strain will be put on your components and the cost of running your pump will be reduced as a result . For example , reducing a poly pipe from 355 mm to 315 mm at 200 L / s increases friction loss by 40 %. It ’ s important to note that as mines dig deeper in the search for higher-quality
A Sykes XH300 pump dewatering an open pit mine
minerals , matching pump and pipe is more vital than ever . Deeper mines may experience increased groundwater ingress or more rainwater . Without the right pump and pipe combination , you could experience significant operational and safety issues .”
KSB GIW on best in class offerings
IM also caught up with Leo Perry , Engineering Lead Product Manager – GIW ® Slurry Pumps ; Tyler Ferguson , Product Manager – GIW ® Slurry Pumps IoT Technologies and Pump Instrumentation ; and Daniel Ponce , Mining Manager - KSB Chile .
On serving the tailings market for pumps , Ponce states : “ Tailings market growth is directly related with the growth of mining activity in general , since most traditional mining activity produces tailings that need to be managed . Therefore , considering the price of copper and other minerals these days , there exists a high pressure to increase mining production and therefore tailing generation . Technology has been changing and we have seen lately , in copper mines , the use of high density tailings , which reduces the amount of water required and creates a challenge for pumping due to the tailing complicated rheology and the long distance deposits normally required .”
To address this issue KSB GIW , Inc . is developing several pumps lines such as the new LCC Gen2 pump , which is highly competitive within the tailing plant applications where rubber pumps are typically required . Also , KSB GIW is working on new high pressure slurry pumps , such as the GIW ® TBC model , which is used for pumping in series to move the tailing to its final deposition location , which normally requires high pressure and large flows combination .
Are there design elements of GIW pumps that
34 International Mining | JUNE 2024