IM June 2024 June 24 | Page 30

TLT-Turbo Africa ’ s latest project included the installation and commissioning of bespoke bifurcated surface fan stations , each with a dual-stage 220 kW fan system
commissioning of bespoke bifurcated surface fan stations , each with a dual-stage 220 kW fan system . Designed to operate continuously , these fans address the high pressure and efficiency demands characteristic of underground mining operations , according to the company .
Complying with noise restrictions to minimise the impact on nearby communities was an important achievement for the project , the company noted .
Additionally , the use of TLT-Turbo Africa ’ s standardised , modular A & B Fan range highlights a shift towards streamlined manufacturing processes that , it says , significantly reduce lead

MEI Conferences

November 11-13 , 2024 | Cape Town , South Africa
Sponsored by : Petrolab , Conundrum , Capstone Copper , ZEISS , Promet101 , AECI , International Mining , Minerals Engineering & the Critical Minerals Association
November 14-15 , 2024 | Cape Town , South Africa
Sponsored by : Steinert , Petrolab , Conundrum , Capstone Copper , Promet101 , AECI , International Mining , Minerals Engineering & the Critical Minerals Association
March 31 - April 3 , 2025 | Cape Town , South Africa
Sponsored by : Conundrum , King ’ s Beads , Russell Mineral Equipment , Global Met Tech , Glencore Technology , ME Elecmetal , Metso , Eracles , FLSmidth , Derrick , Magotteaux , CiDRA Minerals Processing , Weir Minerals , Capstone Copper , Sino Grinding , Metcelerate , Nesch Mintec and CITIC Heavy Industries International Mining , Minerals Engineering , CEEC & the Critical Minerals Association
November 17-20 , 2025 | Cape Town , South Africa
Sponsored by : Promet101 , Magotteaux , GoldOre , Metso , Maelgwyn Mineral Services , Eriez , CiDRA Minerals Processing , Metcelerate , MetSoP , Nesch Mintec , AECI Mining Chemicals , Nalco Water - An Ecolab Company , Conundrum , Clariant , FLSmidth , Capstone Copper , and Glencore Technology , International Mining , Minerals Engineering , CEEC & the Critical Minerals Association
www . min-eng . com / conferences /
times and promote local availability of spare parts , thus ensuring swift maintenance and repairs .
Katlego Nchabeleng , Sales Engineer at TLT- Turbo Africa , said : “ Our ventilation solutions are engineered to ensure the safety , health and wellness of mining personnel while facilitating better underground conditions and ease of maintenance . These installations epitomise our approach to delivering quality and sustainable advancements in mine ventilation .”
With eco-design at the heart of their operation , TLT-Turbo Africa ’ s fans exemplify its alignment with global environmental standards , focusing on energy-efficient solutions that contribute to the broader environmental imperatives of the mining industry , it says .
The company ’ s ongoing projects include a notable initiative in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a forthcoming installation of modular mine fans in South Africa .
Rockwell VFDs cutting costs , energy use at Resolution
The massive Resolution Copper mine site , a joint venture between Rio Tinto and BHP , has recently upgraded the ventilation system and chilling equipment at its two newly refurbished underground shafts as it looks to make its move towards production .
The Arizona site has been addressing the heat and water challenges that come with preparing two of the deepest shafts in the US for production through this upgrade , which is also part of its sustainability
commitment to reduce energy use .
“ The biggest thing we did was look at our control system ,” Edgar Cossio , a Senior Electrical Engineer at Rio Tinto , said . “ How can we automate this , make it more sustainable and environmentally friendly by implementing new technologies , such as replacing self-starter drives with variable frequency drives for our chillers ?”
The company installed Rockwell Automation ’ s PowerFlex ® Variable Frequency Drives and adjusted the concentration of glycol used in its cooling systems . Glycol is an anti-freeze ingredient that impacts system performance and
By switching to VFDs , such as Rockwell Automation ’ s PowerFlex VFDs , as part of its initial ventilation and chilling system upgrades , Resolution Copper has seen a 5 % increase in system efficiency and a 10 % decrease in utility costs , according to Rockwell Automation
efficiency . Ventilation upgrades will continue as mine development progresses .
By switching to VFDs as part of its initial ventilation and chilling system upgrades , Resolution Copper has seen a 5 % increase in system efficiency and a 10 % decrease in utility costs , according to Rockwell Automation .
Cossio said : “ With self-starters you didn ’ t have any way to control the speed , even with the process control network , so typically a motor wheel will draw more amperage in the start-up . With VFDs , we ’ re able to mitigate how much electricity is being pulled in the initial upsurge cycle , which is a lot less electricity .”
That energy reduction equals about $ 1 million a year , “ substantial savings ” that Resolution Copper plans to allocate toward other sustainability initiatives .
“ It ’ s paramount for this project to be environmentally conscious ,” Cossio explained . “ Our partnership with Rockwell Automation is key to that success , especially with all the upcoming technologies and everything else we ’ re trying to implement .”
28 International Mining | JUNE 2024