IM June 2024 June 24 | Page 26

The aero foil design employed for Becker ’ s latest 200 kW impeller fan achieves an airflow of 25 cu . m / s and maximum pressure performance of 9.3 kPa
flexibility in panel design configurations .”
All Becker Mining Australia ventilation fans are equipped with the latest electrical protection and monitoring equipment , designed and tested at its AS3800-certified workshop .
Earlier this year , Becker Mining Australia
partnered with an underground coal mine in Queensland , Australia , to deploy its first smart auxiliary ventilation system . By replacing the mine ’ s outdated ventilation fans , Becker aimed to enhance workplace safety , air flow and
Today ’ s critical minerals are the green energy of tomorrow .
As global mining consultants , we champion sustainable , responsible processes that see beyond profit to support people and the planet .
Through our expertise across the mine life cycle , we meet the needs of now and guide the industry to where it needs to go next .
wsp . com / mining productivity , contributing to the mine ’ s operational goals .
The 910 impellor 200 kW auxiliary ventilation fans deployed can withstand greater static pressure and maintain ventilation with longer tubing runs , resulting in fewer fan moves and reduced downtime . The narrow design also enables the fans to fit into their designated spaces easily in the underground production panel , freeing up more space for equipment and enabling operators to ‘ get on the coal face ’ quicker , McCabe adds .
“ With full open architecture communication capabilities , the fans were seamlessly integrated into the mine ’ s existing SCADA network ,” he says . “ This integration empowers the mine to monitor all functional performance metrics in real time , facilitating swift responses to performance changes and minimising downtime .”
Following the success of the initial installation , the mine has committed to standardising its auxiliary fan fleet to the new 910 Impellor 200 kW auxiliary smart ventilation fans to optimise safety and productivity across its entire underground mining operation .
ABB out to transform underground mines
Automation is part and parcel of the ABB offering for mine ventilation , with its
Ventilation on Demand ( VoD ) solutions not only reducing energy usage and costs in underground mines , but also helping extend the production and the lifespan of existing infrastructure as part of a suite of electrification and automation solutions .
This is the opinion of Marcos Hillal , Global Product Line Manager , Automation , and Jan Nyqvist , Global Product Manager , Automation Underground Mining .
As the largest consumers of power in underground mines , ventilation systems are an obvious area to look to reduce energy use . This is where VoD systems linked to the geolocation of people and vehicles able to intelligently adjust air flow to maximise air quality and minimise consumption could help .
“ Supplying air into the mine ( and expelling exhaust gases ) only where and when it is needed can reduce overall energy usage by up to half ,” Hillal and Nyqvist say . “ It also reduces cooling or heating needs of the circulated air .”
Operators of subterranean mines must also comply with increasingly stringent safety regulations related to air quality , ensuring personnel are not exposed to excessive levels of CO , CO 2 , dust , humidity , toxic blasting and strata gases , and , chiefly , NO , nitrogen dioxide ( NO 2 ) emissions from diesel vehicles .
VoD not only supplies fresh air to underground mines , as well as removing spent or contaminated air , it automatically regulates air temperature to keep workers comfortable and safe , not to mention removing the need for them to enter potentially hazardous environments to manually operate fans .
What is not so well understood across the industry is how VoD can be used to expand production and extend the life of ventilation infrastructure , Hillal and Nyqvist say .
“ With energy prices high and declining ore grades forcing operators into more remote , inhospitable locations in search of elusive reserves , technology solutions that can prolong the life of existing mine assets can offer an invaluable competitive edge ,” they add .
So , how can VoD be applied to expand mine production ? The answer is by delivering air even more smartly and efficiently based on actual operational parameters . ABB ’ s open platform , System 800xA , for example , utilises real-time data transmitted from sensors around the mine on key parameters such as the use of trucks , location of personnel , and gas , flow and temperature information .
ABB ’ s VoD solution , ABB Ability™ Ventilation Optimizer ( VO ), uses this data to operate the fans according to actual demands calculated from production schedules , as well as equipment status and location , reducing the amount of air that fans supply to certain sections of the mine
24 International Mining | JUNE 2024