IM July 2024 July 24 | Page 54

Process and Reprocess with Precision

Automated mineralogy in 3D provides unique insight of your ore . Each phase is identified , and the accessibility is measured .
Transform your mining to recover all the value
At ZEISS , we help you to unlock the full potential of your mined materials through advanced microscopy solutions . From initial exploration to fi nal ore processing , our range of analytical tools , including light , scanning electron , and X-ray microscopes , offer unmatched detail and accuracy , enabling smarter , more sustainable mining practices . Enhanced by automated mineralogy solutions , the detailed assessment of previously mined material is also now feasible . Use ZEISS Mineralogic 3D to enhance the detection and quantifi cation of value phases to recover every possible resource .
Scan for whitepapers and more zeiss . ly / 724-im