IM July 2024 July 24 | Page 3



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8 UNDERGROUND DRILLING There are plenty of examples of underground operators leveraging the new underground drilling smarts and hardware on offer from OEM and solution providers . Dan Gleeson details some of these


16 UNDERGROUND LOAD & HAUL Relatively recent technology developments in the underground load and haul space have set the stage for integration of these elements in an equation that equals more than the sum of their parts , Dan Gleeson reports




24 MINING TYRES Paul Moore met with three leading mining tyre companies in Chile – Michelin on the global supplier side , plus Kal Tire and Bailac on the tyre management side – for some unique insights into one of the world ’ s largest OTR tyre markets
30 LUBRICANTS Lubricants play an important role in mining in terms of machine uptime and efficiency relative to their cost and volume . Paul Moore looks at key developments and products
35 MINING TRUCKS There is all to play for in the surface haulage market in mining today – everyone is trying to get to the same goal of reduced emissions but there are a lot of tempting options on the menu . Paul Moore reports
COVER : Caterpillar
The Cat ® R1700 XE Underground Loader features Caterpillar ’ s new blue trade dress , which represents battery electric and zero tailpipe carbon emissions . The R1700 XE delivers class-leading payload and superior productivity without engine heat or exhaust emissions . It features the industry ’ s only onboard battery and charges quickly - in less than 20 minutes when paired with two of the durable and mobile Cat MEC500 chargers . The machine features Auto Dig for optimised loading and is factory-ready for autonomous operation . And it delivers the powerful performance , maximum uptime and low operating costs you demand . Cat . com / R1700XE
AROUND THE WORLD 3 The Leader 4 World Prospects 48 Forthcoming Events IBC Tailings www . im-mining . com JULY 2024
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