TORSA ' s take
IM spoke to Willem Schalk Blaauw , the TORSA Country Manager in South Africa for an update on its CAS technology and progress
Q How significant has the introduction of the 3D Lidar to your CAS been in terms of its performance ? A The integration of 3D LiDAR into the TORSA Collision Avoidance System ( CAS ) has been highly significant in terms of enhancing its performance . The 3D LiDAR provides detailed , highresolution spatial mapping , enabling the system to detect and track objects in real-time with precision . This capability allows TORSA CAS to identify potential hazards more effectively , regardless of size or shape . The 3D LiDAR captures a full three-dimensional representation of the environment . This improves the accuracy of distance measurements , object classification , and hazard identification , reducing the likelihood of false positives and negatives . The 3D LiDAR ' s ability to function in conditions with poor visibility , such as dust , fog , or darkness , significantly enhances the reliability of TORSA CAS , making it suitable for 24 / 7 operations in demanding environments . The integration allows TORSA CAS to gather and process more complex environmental data , improving predictive analytics and enabling more proactive responses to potential collisions .
Q What about progress with the work on combining vibration and temperature sensing with Torsa CAS ? A The introduction of the EntornoSense system represents a major step forward in creating a more comprehensive safety and monitoring solution . In addition to measuring whole-body vibration and assessing the vehicle cabin environment in real time , the system analyses the operator ' s driving technique and exposures to various occupational hazards , providing actionable insights to improve mining safety and operations .
Q Are there any other notable updates or enhancements from a sensor or technology point of view to the Torsa CAS that are significant ? A The integration of AI camera technology into the TORSA Collision Avoidance System ( CAS ) is a particularly notable enhancement , significantly advancing its capabilities . The AI-powered cameras enhance the system ' s ability to distinguish between different types of objects , such as people , vehicles , or obstacles and allows for more accurate and context-aware alerts , reducing false positives and ensuring critical hazards are addressed promptly . The addition of AI camera technology positions TORSA CAS as an even more robust and versatile safety system . By integrating visual intelligence with existing sensor technologies , the system not only detects and mitigates immediate collision risks but also contributes to long-term safety improvements and operational efficiencies . This update underscores TORSA ’ s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance safety and productivity .
Q What is the latest with your certification progress in the South Africa market with your CAS and can you give any project examples ? A TORSA is one of the first four companies that have successfully completed the lab TRL4 surface verification tests at the University of Pretoria . We are currently awaiting access to the proving grounds to proceed with the remaining tests . Additionally , we are collaborating with various vehicle OEMs for testing and validation to deliver a reliable and proven solution to our customers .
data as a tool for change management ,” he explains . “ Beyond the ability to analyse traffic flow , for example , mines can identify actual highrisk areas and apply mitigation interventions .”
With the deployment of additional integrated technology , the value of this data can be further extended to include the measurement and improvement of operator behaviour , which in turn could lead to productivity increases , he concludes .
Maptek ’ s VisionV2X PDS at Oyu Tolgoi
Maptek ’ s VisionV2X PDS , which allows miners to see underground and around corners , with metre accuracy to ensure even fully loaded high speed trucks have time to react to each other in all conditions , has been in steady use at Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mine in Mongolia for more than 2 million vehicle operating hours , contributing to safety underground .
Maptek has been involved with Oyu Tolgoi since 2008 , before open-pit mining began in 2011 . The Maptek VisionV2X detection system has helped mitigate significant risk since expansion into underground production commenced in 2023 .
VisionV2X enhances safety in underground
operations by providing heavy equipment operators with improved situational awareness . Its detection and ranging capabilities have proven to be reliable and predictable , performing well in the challenging underground environment , Maptek says .
VisionV2X was implemented at the Oyu Tolgoi underground operation at the onset of the COVID pandemic . “ This meant we had to develop our local team capability to successfully implement and maintain the system , with remote support from Maptek ,” Russell Kennett , Oyu Tolgoi Underground Technology Manager , says .
Kennett has been involved in the underground mining automation and technology domain for more than 20 years , primarily working on underground mobile equipment automation , IS & T infrastructure and digital and data projects , so his expertise was invaluable to oversee implementation and use of the VisionV2X system , Maptek says .
“ After initial implementation and stabilisation , VisionV2X has been reasonably cost-effective to maintain – ease of use has resulted in good operator acceptance , and Maptek has provided good support ,” Kennett said .
Maptek initially customised the solution to operational requirements , adding compatibility to the Cohda V2X technology . Maptek has further improved the data integration options since implementation , allowing the data to be ingested and used in decision support tools .
“ Cohda V2X technology leverages the market scale of the surface automotive industry , improving reliability and interoperability and reducing cost compared with bespoke mining solutions ,” Kennett said .
VisionV2X provides operators of heavy equipment with awareness of surrounding personnel and equipment , allowing them to safely operate equipment with limited field of view . The system provides data that can be used to validate traffic management controls and workforce exposure to vehicle and driving risks . Prevention of safety incidents has a positive flowon effect to productivity and cost , Maptek says .
Kennett sees collaboration and interoperability as being important in the underground mining technology space , especially for safety technology . The importance of data sharing was highlighted by a recent report of a heavy vehicle to light vehicle incident at another mine .
Oyu Tolgoi was able to use the data from the VisionV2X system to verify that their traffic management plan and administrative controls were successfully minimising the likelihood of similar scenarios . Analysing the data and verifying that the two classes of vehicle had been in close proximity for only a very small period of time per shift increased confidence in their own safety measures . IM
62 International Mining | JANUARY 2025