IM January 2024 January 24 | Page 46

A 16 MWp solar system will form part of a 95 MW hybrid power station Zenith Energy is constructing on a build , own , operate basis for the Kathleen Valley lithium project in Western Australia ( photo : Liontown Resources )

Change and charge on the horizon

Mining operations are preparing to shift gears on renewable energy utilisation at the same time as their power consumption expectations are changing . Dan Gleeson looks at the future-proof solutions able to cater to this evolution

There is a growing acceptance among the off-grid mining community that high penetration renewable energy levels will likely only be reached this decade with a shift in how sites operate .

The most-readily cited example of this is the blueprint for West Musgrave , in Western Australia , a copper-gold asset now owned by BHP .
In the various studies overseen by OZ Minerals ( since acquired by BHP ), there have been references to carrying out the most energyintensive comminution processes when there is high solar and wind penetration . By staging ore processing in such a way , the mine is expected to be able to reach renewable energy input levels of up to 80 %.
This is quite a philosophical shift for an industry that has , for decades , been focused on daily , monthly and annual throughput numbers . To make such a leap , it will require both a mindset and power procurement policy change .
Ready for all-electric
At the same time as mining operations are opening to new ways of operating their sites to leverage renewables , they are also having to factor in potentially higher power requirements from the electrification of fleet and infrastructure that previously operated off fossil fuel-backed bases .
ABB has been at the frontline of this transition , advising clients on the best strategies to take to achieve their nearer-term decarbonisation targets and their long-term net-zero mining goals .
In collaboration with Perenti , ABB is undertaking a study for IGO Ltd looking at the full underground electrification of IGO ’ s Cosmos nickel project in Western Australia .
The electrification study is a significant step in IGO ’ s commitment to continuously improving its sustainability performance by trialling new technologies and decarbonising its operations , helping to create a green energy future .
The study has seen experts from Perenti and ABB work side by side with IGO to provide a pathway for the optimum design of mine electrification at Cosmos . All aspects of electrification will be considered in the study including : n Mine design optimisation for electric operations ; n Production and operating philosophy ; n Fleet selection ; n Power distribution and electrical infrastructure design ; n Electrification system and battery management ; n ESG and safety impact analysis ; and n Cost modelling of both capex and opex .
Max Luedtke , Vice President and Business Line Mining Manager , ABB , said the aim of this project , when combined with IGO ’ s renewable power plans , could largely decarbonise the
Cosmos operations .
“ The progress between ABB and Perenti is advancing every day and this study is an ideal opportunity to advance our efforts and collectively drive towards providing electric solutions that effectively decarbonise the mining industry ,” he said .
This eMine™ approach is important for the IGO Cosmos project , and will also feature in a separate Front-End Engineering and Design study for Norge Mining for a future upstream mine containing large resources of phosphate , titanium and vanadium .
ABB and Norge Mining are to explore the entire electrification of the mining and downstream operations , including control system options to provide a complete overview of the mine and seamlessly integrate advanced operations . The ABB study will address electrification , automation and digitalisation to ensure maximum sustainability , cost-efficiency and productivity at the mine from the outset and for the long term , ABB says .
ABB ’ s recommendations will also focus on low energy consumption within mine operations as well as optimising capital and operating expenditure with solutions for lower maintenance and higher efficiency .
Michael Wurmser , Founder at Norge Mining , said : “ Together , we ’ re aiming to power progress through next-generation mining .”
Alex Kaufmann , Business Line Manager Mining for Process Industries Switzerland at ABB , added : “ Through our early involvement , as well as our expertise in design and solutions for mining , we will support Norge Mining to optimise costs both during the construction phase as well as during the operation of the mine .
44 International Mining | JANUARY 2024