IM JAN 23 | Page 38

RealTrac in real time
The PROVIX-supplied RealTrac collision avoidance , positioning and mine management system was developed to eliminate collisions and to track heavy equipment , vehicles , and personnel on the surface or underground . The developer of RealTrac is RealTrac International , based in Ponte Capriasca , Switzerland , which comes from a long history of underground mining and is well experienced in working with CAS and mine management systems . With over 7,000 tags in use and a ten-year underground mining service record across 12 mines , the RealTrac system is available in North America from PROVIX . PROVIX states : “ Unique amongst CAS systems , RealTrac provides a standalone CAS for V2V and V2P Proximity Detection solution that is fully expandable to include positioning , tracking , communication , notification , and mine management in real time . The system provides audible and visual warnings to the operators of heavy equipment while at the same time providing haptic warnings to personnel . Tags vibrate and illuminate to provide early warning to personnel of their proximity to operating equipment . If a collision is imminent , the RealTrac triggers throttle disconnect and electronic and hydraulic activation of brakes to safely stop the equipment . This functionality is ‘ equipment agnostic ’ and can be applied to both new and legacy assets .” The modular system relies on both UHF and UWB ( Ultra-Wide Band ) technology , a wireless data transmission technology that provides rapid and reliable data transfer rates at the speed of light , as well as object positioning with an accuracy of 1 metre . One of the key benefits of the technology is the high-speed data transmission via a radio channel . UWB technology is based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard , which combines sensors and actuators into a single wireless network . As a fully scalable system , Provix says RealTrac CAS can be implemented without any infrastructure deployment . “ The standalone CAS system is easily expanded to a full positioning and tracking program where all data is transmitted through the deployment of RealTrac network nodes that are fully operational in both surface and underground sites . Once RealTrac is deployed , a complete mine map is presented with all pertinent location data available for use in legacy systems in real time . APIs provide the gateway to interface between existing apps . The RealTrac system becomes the backbone for effective mine planning , determination of ventilation requirements , personnel planning and blasting coordination . RealTrac provides object positioning , voice communication and vehicle to personnel tag warnings for increased safety and maximising production efficiency .” broader communication capabilities of its GPS integration solution , which helps to optimise brake functions and mobility dynamics of a large rigid body haul truck . The tests undertaken by Wabtec were to determine the ability to integrate and decelerate Komatsu 730E and 860E haul trucks at speeds up to 30 km / h . The tests marked the first time Wabtec has validated a mining product at Level 9 for a major OEM . Wabtec went on to expand testing for a variety of interaction scenarios and decelerations and has improved the Vehicle Intervention Solution performance by adjusting detection zones for braking distance , speed , and real-time payload and haul road grade .
Tanzer stated on its latest CAS evolution : “ We have spent the last two and a half years going through a rigorous development effort . In early 2023 , we will release our new Generation 3 CAS platform . The development process has included getting feedback from our existing customers and partnering with industry groups such as EMESRT . We have done a complete refresh of our user interface . We have drilled down into the key scenarios using the EMESRT storyboards . Yes , you have the 26 EMESRT potentially unwanted events . When you apply them operationally , we discovered that the storyboards involved multiple sets of these . We wanted to simplify it by looking at the highest-risk scenarios , where the likelihood of fatality is the highest . The hardware has undergone a major upgrade , including Ultra High Precision GPS . The logic and intelligence behind our software will set a new standard . One example is that the new Generation 3 CAS can curve proximity detection beams . This one feature is a step change in how the system performs . There are many more that we can ’ t wait to share ! To be at this point is exciting .”
He adds that the GPS accuracy has improved materially , up to 10 times , depending on whether you are using SBAS or RTK corrections . One aspect of this development , as stated , is focusing on the highest collision risk scenarios first but in a structured way .
“ If you can solve these scenarios first , you have reduced 95 % of the risk , and in surface mining , the biggest issue is haul truck to light vehicle . Then you go down to the next layer of scenarios , always ensuring that you aren ’ t unintentionally breaking something you already solved . It ’ s a delicate process . It is critical that you are not frustrating operators by overalarming ."
Finally , is there interest in CAS from the large quarry operators with multiple sites but also smaller miners or is it still dominated by the big mining houses ? “ Very much so . These operators are trying to achieve the same thing – to better manage their vehicle interactions and reduce collision risk . The social license to operate and safety are just as important to these companies . When companies like construction and contracting major Kiewit join EMESRT , that is when you know these other types of companies are paying attention . This is just the beginning .”
Booyco on CAS evolution
Putting safe distance between people and the range of mobile equipment on surface mines – from off-road dump trucks to excavators and loaders – Collision Avoidance Systems ( CAS ) have become integral to mining safety . Underpinning the success of CAS has been years of intensive research and development , says Booyco Electronics CEO Anton Lourens . This work has actively embraced various new and existing technologies , further raising the reliability and
functionality of CAS .
“ Pioneering companies like Booyco Electronics – in this game for over 16 years – have taken advantage of developments in satellite positioning systems , for instance ,” says Lourens . “ This has enabled us to achieve greater performance in collision algorithms .”
“ We have become interested in smart vision systems that allow intelligent perception of people , vehicles , objects and other risks ,” he says . “ Wearable technology also allows us to enhance context and to readily distribute safety information . New technologies have even allowed us to embrace cutting edge fatigue detection solutions .”
He explains that Industry 4.0 has brought levels of digitalisation and automation that could not be envisaged until recently . In response , Booyco Electronics has invested vigorously in software-based solutions , paving the way for increased flexibility to customise solutions for specific needs .
“ This has meant that our equipment can be improved and customised through its software elements rather than its hardware ,” he says . “ Functionality can therefore be adapted more easily , and can be applied remotely through a wireless connection instead of requiring inperson attention on site .”
Rapid developments in sensor and tracking technology were also delivering exciting opportunities to advance CAS capabilities . Integration is really the key to success in these endeavours , he argues .
“ We have progressed considerably down the path of combining the power of sensors with information technology ,” says Lourens . “ This allows us to capture extensive data about the respective locations of personnel and machinery
36 International Mining | JANUARY 2023