IM February 2025 February 2025 | Page 9


Ci Paterson & Cooke


Experts in Slurry Pipelines , Mine Backfilling , Mine Waste Systems , and Mineral Processing

With over 30 years of experience our specialised engineering expertise includes the design and implementation of long-distance slurry pipelines , deep mine backfilling , and tailings and mine waste processing .
Slurry Pipelines As a global leader in slurry pipeline systems our engineers have experience in all aspects of slurry pipeline system design and operation , ranging from laboratory test work , hydraulic analysis , pipeline routing , and pipeline construction , to the detailed design and engineering of pump , valve , and choke stations .
Mine Backfill Since 1991 , our engineers have solved some of the most complex backfill challenges while test i ng and designing hydraulic , paste and cemented aggregate fill projects all over the world . We pioneered the development of full flow technology to keep backfill reticulat i on systems ful l y pressur i sed to manage energy and reduce pipeline wear .
Ou r global backfill group , made up of engineers , operators , technologists , and specialists , allows us to coordinate expertise and resources from our off i ces to del i ver backfill p r ojects through detail design , construction , commissioning and ongoing operational support . Our expert i se includes the detailed understandi ng of the backfill requirements to support the mining method , cement technology to opt i mise the binde r selection , process development and specialist eng i neer i ng serv i ces .
Mine Waste Paterson & Cooke ' s hol i st i c solutions balance many compet i ng requirements such as geotechnical stability , geochemical stabil i ty , wate r conservat i on , soc i al license to operate , people at r i sk , emissions , r i sk to operations , and cost .
Our process starts with understanding corporate and mine site requirements in conjunction with the client and the geotechnical engineer .
Through this collaborative process , we develop a technology roadmap that addresses each client ' s unique challenges . The solutions that are developed are site specific and focus on each of the processing , transportation , and deposition challenges .
Mineral Processing With declining feed grades , increasingly challenging and problemat i c ores being processed , and a drive for more sustainable mining practices , the modern process plant needs to adapt . Often this means adopting newer and novel technology or modify i ng and / or optimising the process f l
owsheet . From ear l y-stage conceptual stud i es through to construct i on , commiss i on i ng and train i ng , we provide solut i ons every step of the way .
Laboratory Services We have comprehensive laboratories in the countries in wh i ch we operate that prov i de a wide range of metallurgical , process and bulk mate ri als handling test work to support our engineer i ng designs , as well as prov i ding flow sheet development and pilot plant campa igns . Our test i ng capab i lities inc l
ude process i ng run of m i ne ore to generate concentrate and flotation tailings as well as extens i ve crushing , m i lling , flotation , dewater i ng , geochemical and m i neral ana l ys i s .