IM FEB 23 February 2023 | Page 49

IMA Engineering has now delivered AutoSampler Underground systems to five underground mines on tunnelling and longhole drill jumbos
tunnelling and longhole drill jumbos .”
On top of this , the company has also developed a new sample handling and analysis system for improved AutoSampler sample turnaround at underground mines .
In the plant , IMA Engineering has been making great headway on deploying the same XRF-based technology platform used on its conveyor beltbased technology for slurry sampling control and analysis through its IMACON 100 system . Auranen said several units had been technically accepted over the last 12 months ,
with two new systems being manufactured ahead of installations later this year .
“ Most applications for the IMACON 100 system are in greenfield plants , with IMA working with EPC ( engineering , procurement and construction ) contractors for sampling and layout engineering ,” he clarified .
IMA promotes the use of an integrated sampling setup in the plant where its FCA cross belt analyser can be installed after the primary crusher with the on-stream IMACON 100 analyser being positioned downstream in the concentrator for complete grade reconciliation .
“ We carried out a study a few years back and , just by having an FCA analyse the feed in this integrated setup , the recovery expectations increased by 1-2 %,” Auranen said .
“ We are continuously developing sampling and analysis solutions and methods ,” he concluded , referencing IMA ’ s participation in the EU-funded Horizon 2020 project , illuMINEation .
Quick off the Blocks
Another company looking to shake up the status quo in the sampling space is ColdBlock Technologies .
Canada-based ColdBlock says it sets a new standard for sample digestion with the first and only sample digestion technology that uses focused , short-wave infrared heating and a cooling zone to dissolve solid sample matter into solution .
A superior alternative to conventional hot block and microwave digestion technologies , ColdBlock digestion is a simple process , completed in minutes , with equal or better accuracy and precision , and better workplace safety than the incumbent technologies , it says .
Sample digestion is a standard process used in nearly all analytical labs . In mining , digestion is used to decompose a solid sample into a liquid state by dissolving it using energy ( infrared in this case ) and reagents that can include a number of acids . ColdBlock digestion takes this necessary step for multi-element analysis of the sample and does it faster , safer and more cost effectively than traditional approaches .
Sample digestion for base metals – the necessary first step prior to analysis using atomic absorption spectroscopy , optical emission spectroscopy or mass spectrometry – has traditionally used hot block technology . Digestion with a hot block is a process involving an electric heating element with a range of configurations and typically takes 2-4 hours for adequate sample digestion . ColdBlock ’ s technology significantly improves on this with a digestion process that takes just 15-30 minutes , according