The process of removing a broken shovel or jammed bucket tooth from a crusher is risky , costly and time consuming , often involving the use of an excavator to dig out all the other material in the crusher and a boilermaker using a torch to heat and cut the tooth to loosen it . This process can be especially dangerous as the heat can cause the metal to expand , creating even more pressure and potentially causing the heavy tooth to be launched out of the crusher at high speed .
To prevent these dangerous and costly crusher jams , mine operations can invest in safeguards like Motion Metrics ® ’ ShovelMetrics™ Gen 3 and LoaderMetrics™ Gen 2 missing tooth detection systems . These systems , which operate without interrupting routine workflow , use ruggedised AIenabled cameras that continuously monitor each bucket tooth and alert the operator , as well as operation staff , when a missing tooth event is detected . These high-priority notifications can be used to divert contaminated payloads away from the crusher , avoiding potentially catastrophic crusher downtime .
“ Motion Metrics technology works together to build a more complete minute-by-minute picture of mining efficiency by increasing operational awareness across the entire comminution circuit ,” Ryan Hewitt , Marketing Manager , Weir Motion Metrics , said . “ Integrating military-grade , smart cameras into a mine ’ s infrastructure without disrupting normal workflow , Weir Motion Metrics products can detect missing or broken ground engaging tool ( GET ) components , measure particle size distribution ( PSD ) and identify oversized material such as boulders , as well as provide insight into other relevant variables critical to a healthy mining operation .” This includes : n Reducing energy consumption : by measuring crusher / grinder input and output PSD , mechanical settings can be autonomously adjusted to achieve optimal closed-loop performance ; and n Reducing unplanned maintenance : by actively measuring the length and wear rate of each bucket tooth , maintenance staff can plan tooth change outs with new-found awareness . These improvements will result in many important environmental and economic benefits , according to the company .
Since power generation in many regions relies on fossil fuels , reducing electrical consumption indirectly reduces air pollution and carbon emissions . Eliminating oversized material and foreign objects from the
To prevent dangerous and costly crusher jams , mine operations can invest in safeguards like Motion Metrics ’ ShovelMetrics Gen 3 and LoaderMetrics Gen 2 ( screenshot pictured ) missing tooth detection systems
processing stream means mines will also be able to process less ore more efficiently without affecting yield , leading to a reduction in fresh process water consumption and increasing operational sustainability .
All data collected , including productivity metrics and incident logs , are seamlessly uploaded to MetricsManager™ Pro , a secure cloud-based data management platform from which authorised personnel can review incident logs and generate custom reports for each connected system .
Hewitt concluded : “ By implementing these types of safeguards , mines can help prevent tragic incidents , improve productivity and keep their operations running smoothly around the clock .” data at a site and corporate level .
“ Today , value has been placed on transparency , auditability and redundancy ,” he said . “ We aim to get the right information to the right person at the right time ; sometimes the right person is at the site , sometimes at corporate office , and often it ’ s both at the same time .”
The latest developments to the company ’ s HxGN MinePlan product portfolio are a reflection of this change , with Hexagon ’ s Mining division adding its “ block model service ” to the platform for full transparency and audibility across simultaneous user accounts .
“ This is going to help bridge the site-tocorporate information silo ,” Cooper remarked .
Looking to democratise the data dynamic , Hexagon ’ s Mining division is offering a hybrid method of cloud- and edge-based computing to customers .
“ For safety and mission-critical systems , a robust edge solution might be the preference for a mining company ’ s core functions , but the final reporting / storage and final computations might be better suited in the cloud ,” Cooper explained . “ This hybrid method is in use for most of our operational technologies .”
The company is also doing its bit to tailor its offering to solve both the need to improve the industry ’ s ESG performance and cope with the ongoing labour issues being experienced across the sector .
“ On the ESG front , Hexagon has a whole suite of products that improve operational safety , productivity , efficiency and / or reduce waste from operations ,” Cooper said . “ We have products that help mines blast better and reduce dilution ; this combination supports productivity and reduces processing effort measurables in terms of energy , water , emissions , etc .”
It is also involved in specialised projects with clients to demonstrate and quantify how electrification ( trolley assist , for example ) will impact the mine schedule , mining rates , pit reserves and mine life .
Hexagon ’ s Mining division ’ s automation ambitions have also risen to the top of late , with partnerships with Mineral Resources Ltd – to automate long haul road trains in Australia – and Phoenix Drill Control – to propel autonomous drilling – established .
On the latter , the companies are in the advanced stages of commercialising a semiautonomous drilling solution . Cooper explained : “ Transitioning a repetitive , multi-variable process from a human to a computer , leads to productivity and efficiency gains – not to mention the safety aspect of a human engaged in a repetitive task many hours into their second night shift .”
A strategic software differentiator acQuire , a company focused on providing geoscientific information management software , has also been collaborating with industry to solve customer challenges by ensuring clients
36 International Mining | FEBRUARY 2023