IM FEB 23 February 2023 | Page 2

UN E W R E D N K O R G OW N UND O W D MIN UN ING N R E D G O R G UND O D BLASTING AUSTIN PO SOLUTION OWDER ’ S IN S ATIVE O N V SYSTEMS IT-FOR-PURP CENTRALIZED USTOMIZED LASTING C B F ELECTRONIC OSE D UG BLASTING EQ G BULK LOADIN OLUTIONS U S P TION INITI QUIPMENT G EQUIPMENT C N S A AND EFF SAFE ATE-OF-THE S EXPERIENCED CUSTOMER S UNSURPASSE TA SOLUTION FICIENT BLASTING S E-ART D TECHNICAL EXP ERVICE BOOTS-ON-THE ED OS G SC FOR ALL NS ARE SOFT PERTS E-GROUND W and safety cha innova applying cost . We under ustin Powder A llenges . solution blasting ative rstand that each unde artners with underg p MINING METH cust our support to s erground mining ope ound operations to s r AND LOADIN HODS overcoming in omers ration is different , so afely improve produc s NG SCENARIOS operational daily Austin Powder is tivity and reduce c austinpowder . com through the s OUR MISSIO m e and responsible sa e o improve the To f ON : e use of explosives . world we live in .