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And , in Australia , the company enabled one of its customers to operate their longwall operations from surface . HBT says over 90 % of its installed base in Australia now has surface remote control capability .
“ The deployment of this technology is not isolated to the Australian market but using this region to validate our solutions puts HBT in a very strong position to expedite our global customers autonomous capability ,” Armburger said .
“ At HBT , we are committed to providing innovative solutions that deliver tangible value to our customers . We achieve this by keeping abreast of technological advancement and collaborating with our customers to help their deliver on their autonomous goals .”
Komatsu invests in next decade
Still on the shearing side of the business , Komatsu has had several high-profile wins of late across the globe .
In the US , a Komatsu Joy 7LS5 shearer recently began production at Arch Resources ’ West Elk thermal coal mine in Colorado , making it the sixth operating Joy 7LS5 shearer in the US .
The 7LS5 shearer that has proliferated in the country is designed to mine 2-4.5 m coal seams with a maximum machine height of up to 1.9 m and a weight of 81.7 t . The machine has a haulage pull of 800 kN , pump motor power of 20 kW , haulage motor power of 2 x 110 kW , lump breaker motor power of 130 kW and maximum cutting motor power of 2 x 750 kW .
In Poland , meanwhile , underground coking coal miner JSW Group has recently announced that a new longwall has been launched at the KWK Borynia-Zofiówka-Bzie mine in the Bzie Section of the Bzie-Dębina 2-Zachód mining area , leveraging a Joy 7LS22 longwall shearer .
This shearer – as standard – comes with a cutting height of 1.6-3.5 m , a machine height of 1- 1.3 m and a machine weight of 59,000 kg . It has a maximum cutting motor power of 2 x 675 kW .
These deliveries are representative of the commitment Komatsu has to its longwall customers and to providing complete and integrated system solutions to clients , it says .
“ Our direct service business model enables us to work in partnership with our customers throughout the entire lifecycle of the equipment ( design , manufacturing and / or partner selection , installation , aftermarket , etc ),” the company told IM . “ Our goal is to support our customers throughout their entire journey , from concept to coal .”
While the company has created collaborative partnerships with companies that can fabricate Joy-designed roof supports ( read the Powering up PRSs section ), it is continuing to invest across the longwall coal chain .
In China , for instance , it has developed a new MATS6 shearer for the domestic market . This new 6 m cutting height , 2,300 kW shearer is to be displayed at the Beijing coal show later this year .
The company is also nearing a trial of its new J7500 ranging arm in the US , which will transmit 900 kW of power in the US and 750 kW overseas in a package size similar to the current J525 ranging arm .
For the company ’ s armoured face conveyor ( AFC ) product family , Komatsu continues to enhance and refine its current product line , with one new development being the Dynamic Chain Management ( DCM ) module .
“ Additionally , we have recently added full original equipment AFC design capability in Australia , and have increased service capability in both repair and overhaul , as well as advanced training capability ,” the company said . “ We continue to invest in regional service centres and global manufacturing to provide value capability to meet customer expectations .”
When it comes to automation , the recent introduction of the Joy Faceboss RS20n longwall control system and face data transmission backbone is providing improved productivity and reliability for AFCs and powered roof supports , the company says . The RS20n is the industry ’ s first 1 Gb / s two-wire Ethernet system , according to Komatsu , enabling high-speed video and data transfer , a full suite of advanced automation controls and exceptional remote monitoring capabilities – all without the need for additional cabling or infrastructure .
“ Real-time remote capabilities also help keep workers away from the face for enhanced safety ,” the company said , adding that it is improving standardisation across the equipment suite with the introduction of Faceboss 2 and RS20 AFC controls .
Komatsu says it is actively working on further developments to “ prepare for the next decade ”.
“ We have an ongoing research project with the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health ( NIOSH ) for coal seam detection , as well
A Komatsu Joy 7LS5 shearer recently began production at Arch Resources ’ West Elk thermal coal mine in Colorado , making it the sixth operating Joy 7LS5 shearer in the US
as multiple research and development initiatives and technologies to improve efficiency and safety in underground mining , as well as the integration of face activity including landmark proximity protection , bed depth control and enhanced geometry control ,” it said .
Trends within the industry are leading to longer panel and face lengths , according to Komatsu ; changes that will require greater equipment servicing intervals and higher AFC loads that need increased conveyor power and transmission capability .
“ Equipment reduction will lead to wider supports and a requirement for larger leg bores and higher yield load capacities ,” it added .
The company concluded : “ To continue to optimise and tailor real-time performance , more complex control and automation requirements are likely . Active development projects and trial designs aim to address these trends , and Komatsu expects to launch and demonstrate some of these developments within the next two years .”
Powering up PRSs
Back in 2021 as part of its strategy to best meet customer needs to reduce costs and maximise performance , Komatsu announced a plan to provide Joy engineered Powered Roof Support ( PRS ) solutions through partnerships with PRS manufacturers .
One such PRS manufacturer that stepped up to the plate was Becker-Warkop , part of Becker Mining .
In 2022 , the Poland-based company teamed up with Komatsu and another local mining equipment manufacturing company , Hydrotech , to establish a PRS consortium for project realisation , led by Becker-Warkop .
After initial kick-off meetings at Becker- Warkop ’ s facility in Poland , all three companies got to work on an order for two new sets of
62 International Mining | AUGUST 2023