IM AUGUST 23 August 23 | Page 56

Enaex has perfected its tele-remote robotic blasting process over the space of two years in a production environment , leveraging the MineiTruck , Stemming-iTruck and RoboMiner
robotic blasting process over the space of two years at Los Bronces , leveraging the Mine iTruck and Stemming-iTruck , but the next step is to automate all activities .
“ We need to advance this further for two reasons : first , there is enabling technology available today to do this and , second , there is the opportunity to be more productive on site ,” Ruiz said .
“ RoboMiner is today considered old fashioned as it was designed to deal with wires . At the World Mining Congress in June this year , we made public that we are developing RoboPrimer ® : a robot that can autonomously assemble explosives using wireless detonators .”
This is where the robot will integrate with DaveyTronic Edge , the company ’ s semi-wireless initiation system . Developed in partnership with CEA-Leti , the solution removes the surface wire , generating a significant reduction of operations on the bench ( connecting , troubleshooting ), while ensuring two-way communication continues between detonators and blasting equipment .
Enaex expects to have a commercial offering that involves RoboPrimer next year , with plans to start testing in Chile .
“ We expect to be able to deploy this solution next year on a global basis , enabling the loading of explosives without people on site ,” he said . “ Not only does this improve safety ; it also allows to capture productivity opportunities in the loading of explosives that our clients and us already have identified to incorporate more productive hours into the operations .”
These developments form part of the
company ’ s plans to expand further on a global basis , with Ruiz saying Enaex is planning a big push in the most important mining regions .
Ruiz concluded : “ Our aims of improving safety and increasing productivity translate to any corner of the globe , and we have the solutions in place that are both raising and setting the bar for the global blasting market .”
Pushing the boundaries
Orica is similarly looking to achieve major industry milestones with its own automation and digital advances .
Explosives and blasting may be the topic most associated with the ASX-listed company , yet it is focused on more than just the bench in the open pit and the face underground .
For instance , in the upstream segment , the company ’ s Design for Outcome service – which applies machine learning to in-field measurement sensor data and block model data to help automatically generate blastability domains – has recently been paired with its RHINO™ solution ̶ an autonomous drill stringmounted seismic sensor that measures synthetic unconfined compressive strength while drilling ̶ to make the most of drill-based sensor data coming off rotary drills used by several large surface mines .
The company ’ s FRAGTrack™ fragmentation measurement tool , meanwhile , is assisting in the management and productivity of blast operations and downstream processes , with the latest additions , FRAGTrack GeoSpatial and FRAGTrack Front End Loader ( FEL ), continuing to offer customers increased visibility over fragmentation , while assisting in the management and productivity of blast operations and downstream processes .
FRAGTrack GeoSpatial significantly advances the understanding of blasting performance by offering georeferenced samples that correlate blast design and orebody information , according to Orica . By employing real-time fragmentation measurement and georeferencing technology , it accurately pinpoints the location of fragmentation samples , empowering customers to obtain fragmentation information at a blast or ‘ domain ’ level within a blast for continuous improvements in blasting outcomes .
One of the key advantages of FRAGTrack GeoSpatial is its ability to accurately georeference particle size distribution ( PSD ) samples , providing “ unparalleled location accuracy ” and facilitating high-fidelity correlation of PSD data with orebody information , the company says .
FRAGTrack FEL leverages advanced 3D machine vision and artificial intelligence technologies to capture autonomous measurement of loader operations , enabling customers to improve productivity through fragmentation analysis , facilitating blast optimisation for downstream impact and provide
Orica ’ s latest bulk explosives system , 4D , is delivered through MMUs equipped with LOADPlus , Orica ' s proprietary in-cab smart explosives delivery control system that , it says , enables the ease of manufacture and accurate and efficient delivery of formulated explosives products to plan
52 International Mining | AUGUST 2023