IM 2022 September 22 | Page 74

area , routes , etc are constantly changing . By using robust radar onboard mapping and object detection it continuously perceives the environment . Its motion planners freely plan the best routes and dynamically react to changes . Furthermore , it handles the interaction of multiple trucks in such unstructured environments . This is only possible through leveraging Machine Learning ( ML ) and AI for a very high degree of autonomy at highest system levels ."
autonomous decision-making AI enables a high recovery capability from failure modes leading to
xtonomy ’ s verifiable risk-aware autonomous decision-making AI in action
highest OEE and is capable of adaptively
planning even very complex tasks , allowing autonomous operation in partially unknown and changing environments / situations . This advanced networked belief-aware fleet traffic optimisation maximises productivity of the autonomous fleet operation in a holistic context such as loading and unloading equipment or manual participants . In practice this means that the system automatically resolves bottlenecks in the material flow process from face to crusher .
Furthermore , the autonomous haulage trucks continuously adapt its loading position to the current shovel position .” xtonomy says it is implementing the latest machine learning techniques for the development of highest detection and classification capabilities in its radar and vision perception modules . This means that even smallest objects , such as rocks in highly complex and unstructured environments may be detected and consequently avoided by
the autonomous vehicle .
Furthermore , this
enables highly reliable
radar driveability
mapping of entire mines
but also critical work
areas such as the truck
spotting or crusher entry
zone . “ Consequently ,
tyre damage may be
also minimised for
manual vehicles and
berms may be
monitored for safety
compliance .”
Riedel concluded :
" The xtonomy AHS is
designed to be adaptive
for different mine sizes
and ever-changing mine
conditions , and thus
works not only in large ,
but also for highly
dynamic smaller and
medium sites . It has not only proven to work on pre-mapped paths , but
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environments , where
loading zones , drivable
ABD Solutions launches Indigo Drive
Described as a complete solution to add autonomy to existing vehicles ; “ Indigo Drive is an ecosystem of technology that provides existing vehicles with autonomy , quickly and costeffectively ,” says Matthew Price , Managing Director of ABD Solutions . “ The mining industry is continually looking to extend the lifecycle of its existing fleets and automation is a critical part of this . Not only does vehicle automation have clear safety benefits , it also allows for significant cost savings .”
Indigo Drive offers all hardware and software required to provide a complete , integrated , automation solution , available from a single supplier .
Retrofitting existing vehicles with autonomy requires a flexible solution that can be tailored to a specific vehicle , environment and operational scenario . A core modular , certified and secure software eco-system is used to build the various elements required for automation ; including vehicle management , vehicle control actuation , communication , sense and detect , health and diagnostics and third-party integration .
This modular approach enables Indigo Drive to integrate with core and third-party technologies to ensure that specific requirements are met . The result is almost any vehicle can be retrofitted with autonomy and then fully integrated into any end user ’ s existing operational / fleet management system .
There are several major benefits to automating vehicles in the mining industry ; it reduces risk to personnel in dangerous environments , increases efficiencies , reduces emissions , and maximises the life and versatility of legacy vehicle platforms and infrastructure .
In a mining environment where tasks are often repetitive , all the vehicles involved can be synchronised . Task planning software can ensure that all the vehicles take the most efficient route , reducing fuel consumption and the time to complete the operation . Vehicles that have the ability to detect obstructions can communicate them to the fleet management system to prevent others from encountering the same issue . Once the obstruction has been flagged the vehicle management system can generate an alternative
72 International Mining | SEPTEMBER 2022