Macmahon runs a fleet of Volvo A60H ADTs that were experiencing excessive Low Power Incidents ( LPIs ). A combination of a dusty and wet environment and the use of B30 biodiesel , which is relatively standard in Indonesia , was suspected to be the cause of the LPIs . Macmahon agreed to a Proof of Concept ( POC ) trial of FuelActive . Three FA16 FuelActive units were sent to the site for installation in April 2021 . Importantly , as a control , these ADT units were compared with new units of the same specification for the same application at the same site . Setting the bar high , the ADTs with FuelActive units already had 4,500 hours under their belt . Given the disparity in age , the performance of the ‘ new ’ Volvo ADTs was quite strong in the first two months . However , the effects of contamination began to emerge . In the last six months of 2021 , the data clearly favoured the performance of FuelActive .
Macmahon ’ s service records documented 27 LPI ’ s on the ‘ new ’ standard units and 9 on the FuelActive units – a 66 % reduction . Using Volvo OEM fleet telematics to record fuel consumption data over a 25 week period , the Fuel Active units had better fuel economy in 22 out of the 25 weeks . One out of three standard ADTs in the control group had fuel injectors replaced during the trial period , and none on the FuelActiveequipped units , also noting that two trucks outside the control group had fuel injectors replaced . The average fuel economy across the whole control group was 36.7 litres per hour , with an average of 3.4 % fuel economy improvement from FuelActive . To convert that into sustainability and bottom-line benefits – a saving of 3.4 % equated to 1.25 L / h or 18 L / d ( based on a typical 15 h / d ADT operation ). These statistics equate to 49.1 kg of CO 2 emissions saved per day or 17,930 kg of CO 2 per year for each FuelActive equipped truck . In cost terms , based on 18 L / d , the FuelActive ROI was 251 % in year one .
As a result , in November 2021 , Macmahon placed an order for the rest of the Volvo ADT fleet – the machine numbers totalling 10 . In January 2022 , Macmahon expanded the FuelActive solution to their fleet of Cat 390 hydraulic excavators and the remaining Volvo ADTs . The contractor ’ s fleet also includes Cat 745 ADTs , so there is potential for further expansion in the future . PT Macmahon Maintenance Manager , Nigel Wixon , stated : “ Macmahon Indonesia strives for business improvement through technology . In late April 2021 , we installed FuelActive on three Volvo A60s to target a reduction in Low Power incidents which cause significant equipment downtime . Pleasingly , Low Power Incidents have been reduced by 66 % on these trucks , boosting our truck reliability and availability . We have also recorded a noticeable fuel saving on FuelActive fitted equipment averaging 3.4 % over the last six months . The saving has been evident every month , equating to nearly 18 t of CO 2 saved per year , per truck . I would recommend FuelActive to be fitted on all mining equipment for the repairs and maintenance savings , increased equipment uptime , fuel savings and sustainability benefits .” Tom Michaelson-Yeates , Mining Director at FuelActive , adds : “ FuelActive is a unique fit and forget solution , aimed at reducing the significant costs associated with diesel contamination . Working with Macmahon , an innovative global mining contractor , has given us the opportunity to demonstrate that we increase mining productivity and reduce repair and maintenance costs . The fact that we can prove a consistent and significant fuel saving with clear financial and sustainability benefits is a potential industry gamechanger . This is in line with data we have seen in other sectors .”
FuelActive , shown on the right , uses a floating pick-up unit , ensuring it draws clean fuel from the top of the fuel level
Ultra class trucks in Chilean copper
As a final note , in very different mining conditions , FuelActive has been fitted and has proved very effective in a 12 month trial on Komatsu 980E ultra-class dump trucks at one of the world ’ s largest copper mines in Chile ’ s Antofagasta region in the arid and high altitude Atacama desert . Filters have lasted beyond 1,000 h from the previous limit of 250 h . Pumps and injectors are operating to manufacturer specifications – no replacements have been made in 12 months . The system has seen consistent and reliable performance . The FuelActive fitted trucks deliver class-leading levels of availability , power , and speed over other 400 ton class trucks at the mine . No significant fuel-related breakdowns have been seen in the FuelActive fitted units over the 12 months . This equated to a significant productivity performance over 12 months of trials to the point where FuelActive has been included in the standard specification by the mine owner for future mining truck service and maintenance contracts . Plus , FuelActive is now being trialled at another major copper mine in Chile .
Jeff Dawes , Komatsu Mining President and CEO , stated : “ For Komatsu Chile and our clients , installing FuelActive fuel pickup units has proven to be an effective way of combating the global issue of fuel contamination in diesel-powered machinery .”
Other mining applications for FuelActive active today include a coal mine in South Africa , nickel mines in Indonesia , underground mines in Australia , projects with OEMs , including an option fit for heavy duty mobile crushing and screening units , and a pilot in progress with a major OEM of exploration drills . IM
MARCH 2022 | International Mining 51